New Students

Are you thinking about joining the Quinn Middle School band program? I hope that this page provides you with answers to your basic questions- but also feel free to contact me with ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL either via email ( or phone (978-567-6210).

What is the commitment required?

First of all, joining the instrumental music program is a full-year commitment. At Quinn, it is a graded course that appears on the report card and averages in with term grades. Students are expected to pursue this class as they would any other, with preparation both in and out of school.

How do I decide which instrument is for me?

Students joining fifth grade band should be considering their instrument choice this summer. I recommend this website ( to remind students what each instrument sounds like and looks like. Instrument choices are: Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, and Percussion Kit (bells/snare drum).

How much practicing do I need to do?

Students are expected to practice 3-4 times a week for 15-20 minutes. The more time students are able to dedicate towards practicing, the faster the student progress will occur and the more confident they will be in class. If you do not have time in your schedule to set aside for practice, then band may not be a good fit; we don't want students to become discouraged if they are struggling to keep up in class due to lack of preparation at home. The most successful students are those whose families have carved out consistent time each week for practice (ie. M/W/F, M/Tues/Th/Sat, etc). I know with my own practicing that it's hard to find time to practice if it isn't part of my normal weekly routine.

When does band meet?

Students enrolled in the band program meet opposite Wellness/PE on either day 1 (5th and 7th) or day 2 (6th). I have indicated this under my coming events page using my google calendar as well as the attached word document. In addition to full band rehearsals, students will receive one sectional per month during the Related Arts Block based on their team.

Where do I get an instrument?

Students may choose to rent or purchase an instrument. If you want recommendations of specific music stores, I would be more than happy to help you if you email me directly (

What are the out-of-school commitments?

Besides after school lessons, students are required to attend band concerts throughout the year. All concert obligations will be made available to families at least 1 month in advance. Concerts are also indicated on my google calendar as well as on the event hand outs. Band at QMS is performance based, so attending concerts makes up for a large percentage of each term grade. I understand how busy families are, and how jam-packed our schedules have become, so I have tried to provide concerts dates for the entire school year; this will hopefully avoid any surprise scheduling conflicts.

Can my student take both band and chorus at Quinn?

Unfortunately, no. Here at QMS we are able to offer participation in either band or chorus opposite Wellness/PE.

If there are any other subjects that you feel should appear on this page- please send me an email and I will be sure to include them!