Library Corps & Library Club

YMS Students Get Involved in Our Library!

Library Corps: Student Library Volunteers

The YMS Library Corps is a select group of 12 - 16  students who work in the library during Seminar on a self-assigned schedule.  Interested students should begin by volunteering their time in the library.  If Mrs. Hertz sees dedication, responsibility, and commitment, she may offer that student an application.  All 2024-2025 Library Corps positions are currently filled, but Mrs. Hertz likes to keep applications on file in case a Library Corps student PCSs.  See a description of the duties below:

Library Club: Meets Mondays After School

Library Club Sign Up 

The after-school YMS Library Club is not a traditional "book club," although we do talk about books a lot!  Members work on library-related projects, book processing, displays, online book promotions, book talks, and more.  These students also assist Mrs. Hertz throughout the school year with events such as Teen Read Week, YMS Book Swap, Random Acts of Kindness Week, and other special programming.  Additionally, Library Club members learn how to run the library and how to assist Mrs. Hertz in shelving books and keeping the library tidy .

This is an OPEN after school club, meaning students may join, leave, and re-join at any time.  The cut-off is 25 students.  It runs from 2:30 PM -  3:45 PM on Mondays. THE CLUB'S START DATE FOR FALL 2024 is October 7, 2024. Listen to the morning announcements for updates and join our Google Chat!

2024-2025 Meeting Dates


Spine Label poetry

SUMMER 2021 Library Club CHALLENGE:

Select a theme/genre/subject that you like.  Create a library catalog Collection around this theme or genre (various instructions here).  You may place books into it that you have read and recommend, and you may research to find other great books to add.

Bottom line: create a great Collection of books around a theme/genre/subject.  When we come back to school in August, you will share the Collection with me so I can make it public to our school.  Next, we will MAKE A DISPLAY out of your Collection here in the library so kids can find the books and check them out!  Your name will be on it somewhere, unless you don't want it to be!  Email me if you have questions!



Online Blackout poetry


Poetry Sites

Poetry Foundation - Kids - kids


Literary Maven

Breakout EDU digital

To register: 

Code: 43JIT4 

UN: beginning of email address

PW: Your choice - must be 6 characters or more


Library Club Escape Room Game


BB Break Sign up

Titles are in a Collection in the library catalog. 

Template A

Template B

Template C