
All adults who work or volunteer with our children, even if limited, MUST complete the Virtus program. By putting in a little effort, we can help ensure our children grow and thrive in a safe environment. Below are the steps to help protect our children. 

You will need to read the required monthly training bulletins at to continue the education process. Each month, you will be notified by email to complete the monthly assignment. You can view your status of your online training on the website.

If you would like to volunteer at the school, attend field trips, or even become a basketball coach, you MUST be Virtus qualified.  Sign up today! 

For more information, please feel free to contact the parish office (859-441-8949). All forms should be obtained from Virtus Coordinator at  

What are the VIRTUS programs?

VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "rightdoing" within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.

Who created the VIRTUS programs?

The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc. (National Catholic) created the programs. Monsignor Kevin McCoy, past board chairman of National Catholic, asked whether child sexual abuse could be prevented and, if so, how? In March of 1998, National Catholic invited prominent national experts—experts in many disciplines—to discuss these questions at a forum in Washington, D.C. From those discussions, the initiative for the VIRTUS programs was created. The National Catholic Board of Directors selected an Ad Hoc Committee to oversee development of the programs. The Ad Hoc Committee was assisted by a steering committee of nationally known experts and program and service providers.

Who is The National Catholic Risk Retention Group, Inc.?

The company was conceived in 1985, licensed in 1987, and commenced operations June 30, 1988, in response to a commercial insurance market instability which had resulted in limited availability of coverage, limited underwriting capacity, and unjustified premium increases. National Catholic is owned and ultimately managed by its shareholders. Company policies are therefore established by shareholders for the benefit of shareholders. The company currently has 60 shareholders consisting of 59 archdioceses and dioceses and one risk pooling trust. Our vision is to be leaders in pursuing solutions for financing and managing the liability risks of the Catholic Church through cooperative approaches. Our mission is to provide financially stable and cost-effective excess liability programs to address the needs of Catholic dioceses and religious communities throughout the United States. 

“Registering” means opening an account at You may only open ONE account. If you know that you already have an account, you may get your id and password by clicking on “Forgot your Password” on the first screen.

Go to, Click on the Registration link in the left green area of the page. Begin the registration process:

Select in the dropdown list Covington, KY (Diocese)

Create your USER ID.

Create a password. Make a notation of this somewhere. You will need this every time you access VIRTUS. Do not use your email address as your user id. No two people can use the same user id, the Virtus system will alert you if someone is already using the user id you have chosen. User ID’s are case sensitive, Virtus recommends using all lower case letters and avoid spaces and punctuation. So if you have a printer, it’s good to print yourself a copy now.  If you have changes to your email address, remember to update those changes in Virtus as that is how you will receive monthly notifications from Virtus of a new bulletin.

Continue filling out your information.

Select the Primary location that handled your paperwork. (If you work for the Diocese select your place of employment as the Primary location and where you volunteer as secondary.

If you volunteer at your home parish and at a high school, please select the home parish.

You may select more than one secondary location. Please keep your list of locations current online as they change. Substitute Teachers list “Substitute Teacher” as the primary location and the school where you will be sub-teaching as secondary.

Select your role in the Diocese.

Select Parent only if you do NOT wish to be a Volunteer Parent and do not want to receive the monthly bulletins.

If you wish to be a Volunteer Parent, select Volunteer.

Continue your registration.

If you are a coach, catechist, scout leader, contracted janitor, please select that option.

Select Yes or No when you get to the page about attending a session.

If no, select the session you wish to attend.

If you have already attended a session, you will have the option to select which one you attended.

If you attended in another Diocese, please pick that Diocese when given that option.

If you register on-line after having attended the class, please email the approximate date and place to or mark on your 2014 Acceptance Form.

Your account will not be readily seen until all of your paperwork has been processed. Please do not register a second time. You should receive a notification from Virtus that you have registered. It will come from .

Your account is active after:

(1) the Acceptance Form is recorded,

(2) your background check has been processed on your Virtus account either by your place of employment or yourself.

(3) your class attendance has been verified.

An email from Virtus will be sent to you when your account is open. It will include your user id and password. Be sure that your spam blocker is setup to accept emails from .

Please register only ONCE. Opening more than one account causes confusion and keeps you from remaining compliant.

If you need to change your contact information or locations, enter your id and password. Click on “update my account”. Make the desired change. SAVE.

Now you are ready to begin your monthly bulletins. One bulletin will be posted at on the first Sunday of each month. You have 30 days to complete the bulletin.

If you go beyond 30 days, your TRAINING tab will disappear letting your “locations” know that you are not currently volunteering.

During the “open months” of April, August, and December those wishing to resume volunteering will have the opportunity to complete ALL missed bulletins. Your training tab will automatically appear and you can catch up and continue monthly bulletins going forward.

”If for some reason, you have fallen behind 1 or 2 bulletins, have a valid reason why your account is in Suspension and you need to resume volunteering immediately, you may make the request through your school or parish.”

If you have any other questions about the Diocese of Covington’s VIRTUS program, please contact Marylu Steffen at or by phone at 859-392-1565.