
Have you been called to serve your parish?  You can be a minister in Christ by answering the call and joining many of your fellow parishioners.  If you would like more information please contact the parish office at 859-441-8949.

Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion - A lay person who assists the priest in administering the sacraments of holy communion, the consecrated bread and wine. They may also take the sacraments to those who are ill, or otherwise unable to attend Mass. 

Hospitality Minister - Following Christ's example, our Hospitality Ministers open doors and warmly greet all that come to worship with us. 

Lector - Lectors are ministers who proclaim the Word of God at Sunday, weekday, and holy day Masses. 

Server - At St. Philip, the server is normally a young adult between the the ages of 10 to 18.  The server is an intricate part of the mass and assists the priest during the celebration.

Choir - The choir is made up of men and women who volunteer they time and talents to provide music and singing during the weekend masses.  The Choir is lead by:

Allison Steelman Organist for Saturday 4:30 PM

Donna Woeste/Rachel Twehues Organist for Sunday 9:00 AM

Ann Wright Organist for Sunday 11:00 AM

To join any of our ministries: Contact the Parish office at 859.441.8949