Friday, October 11, 2019

Post date: Oct 11, 2019 8:24:26 PM

PERIODS 1, 2, and 7: [1] If you did not complete the "Place" packet, make sure you do so over the weekend. [2] A reminder to log onto Google Classroom and "join" the class with the code that was given in class if you have not already done so. [3] Another reminder that Geo-Fashion Day is Wednesday, October 16th. Think about what article of "geo" clothing you will wear on Wednesday. [4] The deadline for letters for the Geo-Lab has been extended to Tuesday if you have not already submitted a letter.

PERIODS 3, 5: [1] Complete item 4 in the "Place" packet. [2] Please remember to log onto the Google Classroom and "join" the class with the code given in class if you have not already done so. [3] Geo-Fashion Day is Wednesday, October 16th. Think about an article of "geo" clothing that you will wear on that day. [4] The deadline for letters for the Geo-Lab has been extended to Tuesday if you have not already submitted a letter.

Enjoy the three-day weekend.