Number Games and Activities
One-to-one Counting
Counting from one on materials
Counting from one by
Advanced Counting
Early Additive Part-Whole
Advanced Additive
Advanced Multiplicative
Advanced Proportional
Numeracy Knowledge
WALHT: order numbers to 20
WALHT: read any number up to 20
Grouping/ Place Value
WALHT: read symbols for numbers and halves and quarters
WALHT: know groupings within 5
WALHT: know groupings within 10
Grouping/Place Value
WALHT: Know the number of 10s in decades.
Basic Facts
Little animals addition and subtraction
WALHT: instantly recognise patterns in my head - e.g. doubles
WALHT: know even and odd numbers
Basic Facts
WALHT: know groupings within 5 and 10
WALHT: know groupings within 5 and 10
Numeracy Strategy
Addition and subtraction
WALHT: solve + problems by counting all the objects
WALHT: solve + problems by counting in my head
Numeracy Strategy
Addition and subtraction
WALHT: Solve + problems by counting on from the largest number in my head.
WALHT: Solve - problems by counting back from the largest number in my head.
WALHT: Solve + and - problems by counting on or back in ones and tens.
WALHT: Solve x problems by skip counting in 2s, 5s or 10s.
WALHT: Find 1/2 and 1/4 of sets and shapes by equal sharing.
WALHT: Challenge ourselves in adding!
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(The Amoeba game)
WALHT: know multiplication and division facts.
The Ants go Marching - Multiplication practice
WALHT: know multiplication and division facts.
A mixture of Knowledge:
Ordering numbers (choose Level A)
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WALHT recall groupings to 100.
WALHT recall addition facts.
WALHT recall addition and subtraction facts.
WALHT recall multiplication and division facts.
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Ordering Decimals
The Grid Game (Level 3)
Counting, Number after
WALHT: read any number up to 20
Ordering and Sequencing
WALHT: count forwards from any number
WALHT: count backwards from any number
WALHT: skip count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, and 10s
Sequencing 3 x 3
WALHT: skip count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, and 10s
Sequencing 4 x 4
WALHT: order numbers to 20
WALHT: skip count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, and 10s
WALHT: read fraction symbols
WALHT: know groupings within 10
Numeracy Knowledge
WALHT: Read and write any number up to 100.
* Say each number you click out loud before clicking a new square*
Ordering and Sequencing
WALHT: Count forwards from any number up to 100.
WALHT: Say the number after a number 1-100
WALHT: Know groupings within 20.
Number Bonds
WALHT: Know doubles and halves to 20.
WALHT: Read any number up to 1000.
WALHT: round 2 digit numbers to the nearest 10.
WALHT: know place value groupings.
WALHT: know how many ones, tens and hundreds are in a number.
WALHT: Match fraction symbols and pieces.
WALHT: Order fractions
WALHT order any number up to 1000.
WALHT identify place value groupings in numbers up to 1 000 000.
WALHT Round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
WALHT: know addition and subtraction facts to 20.
WALHT: Know groupings to 100.
WALHT: know multiplication and division facts.
WALHT know unit fraction symbols.
WALHT order fractions.
WALHT identify different percentages.
WALHT match fractions to percentages.
Match Percentages and fractions
WALHT Round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.