Number Games and Activities




One-to-one Counting


Counting from one on materials


Counting from one by



Advanced Counting


Early Additive Part-Whole


Advanced Additive


Advanced Multiplicative


Advanced Proportional

Matching objects

How many Fish

Gingerbread Men

Count and Order

Teddy Numbers

Numeracy Knowledge

WALHT: order numbers to 20

Numbers to 20

Snakes and Ladders

WALHT: read any number up to 20

The Counting Game

Count Us In

Count the chickens

Making Trains

Find the number

Grouping/ Place Value

WALHT: read symbols for numbers and halves and quarters


WALHT: know groupings within 5

5s Frame

WALHT: know groupings within 10

10s Frame


Grouping/Place Value

WALHT: Know the number of 10s in decades.

Place the Penguin

Okta's Rescue

Order the Stars

Basic Facts

Little animals addition and subtraction

WALHT: instantly recognise patterns in my head - e.g. doubles

Ladybird Doubles

WALHT: know even and odd numbers

Ghostblasters even numbers

Basic Facts

WALHT: know groupings within 5 and 10

Addition Facts Drill

WALHT: know groupings within 5 and 10

Bonds to 10

Numeracy Strategy

Addition and subtraction

WALHT: solve + problems by counting all the objects

Marble Match Addition

WALHT: solve + problems by counting in my head

Penguin Addition

How Many Under the Shell

Addition & Subtraction

Numeracy Strategy

Addition and subtraction

WALHT: Solve + problems by counting on from the largest number in my head.

WALHT: Solve - problems by counting back from the largest number in my head.

WALHT: Solve + and - problems by counting on or back in ones and tens.


WALHT: Solve x problems by skip counting in 2s, 5s or 10s.


WALHT: Find 1/2 and 1/4 of sets and shapes by equal sharing.

WALHT: Challenge ourselves in adding!

Power Line

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Number Pyramid

Monkey Addition

Ed, Edd and Eddy Addition

10 More Than

Dinosaur Place Value

Shark Pool

Shark Numbers

Number Bonds

Splitting the Number

(The Amoeba game)

WALHT: know multiplication and division facts.

The Ants go Marching - Multiplication practice

WALHT: know multiplication and division facts.



A mixture of Knowledge:

Ordering numbers (choose Level A)

Greater or less?

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Blast Off!

Sum Sense Addition

Sum Sense Subtraction

Addition Matho

Addition Picture

Subtraction Picture

Addition Concentration

Landing Craft Addition game

Pizza Fractions

Finding Fractions

Greater than or less than

WALHT recall groupings to 100.

Maths Machine

WALHT recall addition facts.

Add your way to a MIllion

WALHT recall addition and subtraction facts.

Maths Journey

Maths Cats

WALHT recall multiplication and division facts.

Maths Baseball

Sum Sense Multiplication

Sum Sense Division

Maths Journey

Maths Cats

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Ordering Decimals

Fraction ordering

Reading Large Numbers

Greater than or less than

Builder Ted

X Grid

Multiples - Patterns

Multiplication Matho

Division Matho

Multiplication Picture

Multiplication Concentration

Planet Blaster Basics

Planet Blast

Square Numbers


Converting frac, dec, %

Fractions of numbers

Saloon Snap

The Grid Game (Level 3)

Matching fractions, decimals and percentages


Counting, Number after

WALHT: read any number up to 20

Reading Number Words

Ordering and Sequencing

WALHT: count forwards from any number

WALHT: count backwards from any number

Caterpillar Ordering

WALHT: skip count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, and 10s

Sequencing 3 x 3

WALHT: skip count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, and 10s

Sequencing 4 x 4

WALHT: order numbers to 20

Ordering Numbers

WALHT: skip count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s, and 10s

Skip Counting


WALHT: read fraction symbols

Fractions-equal parts

WALHT: know groupings within 10

Save the whale make 10

Numeracy Knowledge


WALHT: Read and write any number up to 100.

* Say each number you click out loud before clicking a new square*

Give the Dog a Bone

Ordering and Sequencing

WALHT: Count forwards from any number up to 100.

WALHT: Say the number after a number 1-100

Ordering the Apples

WALHT: Know groupings within 20.

Number Bonds

WALHT: Count forwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s

Super Sequencer

Basic Facts

WALHT: Know teen number facts.

Maths Lines

WALHT: Order number to 100 - backwards and forwards.

Guess The Number

WALHT: Know multiples of 10 that add to 100.

Number Bonds

WALHT: Order number to 100 - backwards and forwards.

Compare numbers

WALHT: Order number to 100 - backwards and forwards.

Adventure Sequence-

Fruit Shoot

*Play level 3*


WALHT: Read unit fractions.

WALHT: See the shapes fractions make.

Halves, thirds and fourths

WALHT: Know doubles and halves to 20.

Dartboard doubles and halves

WALHT: Know addition facts to 10.

Add Facts 1-15

WALHT: Add numbers


WALHT: Add numbers

Catching fish addition

WALHT: Read any number up to 1000.

Guess the Number

WALHT: round 2 digit numbers to the nearest 10.


WALHT: know place value groupings.

Place Value Pirates

WALHT: know how many ones, tens and hundreds are in a number.

Bead Numbers Place Value

WALHT: Match fraction symbols and pieces.


WALHT: Order fractions


WALHT order any number up to 1000.

Sequence -1000 to 1000

Think of a Number

WALHT identify place value groupings in numbers up to 1 000 000.

Place value to million

WALHT Round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

Decimal Place Value


Ordering Decimals

Power Lines

Powerlines 2

Powerlines 3

Fractions Match

Mission Magnetite

Match to Equivalent Decimals

WALHT: know addition and subtraction facts to 20.

Batman Addition

Tom and Jerry Addition

Ninja Turtles Addition

Add it up game

Scooby Doo Addition

WALHT: Know groupings to 100.

Catching Fish addition

WALHT: know multiplication and division facts.

Save the apples

WALHT know unit fraction symbols.

Fractions make 1

WALHT order fractions.

Racing Dolphins

WALHT identify different percentages.


WALHT match fractions to percentages.

Match Percentages and fractions

WALHT Round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

Maths Journey

Equivalent fractions

Rounding Off

Death to Decimals!