Assessment Info

Making and Overall Teacher Judgement (OTJ)

Each achievement level is based upon a summary of formative assessments, evidence gained through standardised testing, learning conversations and moderation in order to inform the teacher’s overall teacher judgement (OTJ).


Year 4-8 children are also assessed throughout the year using a Normed National Test called e-asTTle in reading. e-asTTle is an online assessment tool, developed to assess students’ achievement and progress in reading, mathematics, writing. The tool has been developed primarily for the assessment of students in years 5–10, but because it tests curriculum levels 2-6 it can be used for students in lower and higher year levels. The revised e-asTTle writing tool (2012) now assesses curriculum levels 1-6.

Once a child has completed an e-asTTle assessment an Individual Learning Pathway is created like the one below. This highlights each child's strengths, gaps and next steps.

Reading - Running Record

In the junior years a child is assessed using a Running Record. The following clip is a video of a child being assessed using a running record. It is important to note that a child is assessed on bother their ability to decode and read the text and more importantly their ability to answer a series of comprehension questions about the text. The questions asked are a mixture of those where the answer is easily found in the text and those that are hidden (inferential).

Reading Probe

From Year 4 children are assessed using what is called a probe. The child reads to the teacher as the teacher records their ability to read (decode) the words in the text and answer a series of comprehension questions.