
Add Headings and they will appear in your table of contents.

Hi!  I'm Eva Volz.  I am one of the fourth grade homeroom teachers this year.  I teach 4th grade Religion, Math, and

S. Studies, and Science.  This is my 26th year of teaching at St. Mary's, and I feel very privileged to be a part of this amazing school family. 

Personally speaking, I grew up and still reside in Osgood, IN.  My parents are Gene and Patty Simon.  I have two brothers, Scott and Nick, and one sister, Mary McCoy.  My husband, Brian, and I just celebrated our 30th Anniversary.  In 1994, I graduated from the College of Mt. St. Joseph (now Mt. St. Joseph University) with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and an Associate's degree in Early Childhood Education.  Brian and I have 6 children:  Brianna (29), Tanner (28), Mariah (24), Shaylee (20), Sophie (14), and Makenna (11).   I now have 3  grandchildren- Charlie Ann (3), Tucker (2), and Mavis (will be 2 in September) who I love to spoil!  My 4th and 5th grandchildren are on the way in December and April.  We keep very busy with school activities, 4-H, and our small farm.   In my free time I enjoy camping, watching movies, and just spending time with my family.


Simple Solution Help Session Videos

You will have to highlight, then right click or 2 finger click on link.  When you do that, it should give you a box with a few options in it.  One of those options is to open... then it gives the link.  If you click on that the video should pop right up.  If not, highlight... 2 finger click... copy and then paste it into a new tab at the top.  

Lesson 133 due T


Lesson 134 due W


Lesson 135 due TH


Lesson 136 due F


"Give a man a fish, he eats for a day.  

Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime!"

(Chinese proverb; author unknown)


Th, April 25- Retreat w/ Miss Gehrig

F, April 26 - Midterms

M, April 29- Walk-a-thon Bounce House reward

T, April 30-May 8  ILEARN Testing

TH, May 9- Arts Fest

F, May 10- Lunch w/ our Pen Pals @ Liberty Park

TH, May 16- Conner Prairie field trip

F, May 17- Little Olympics

M, May 20- L.O. Rain date

T, May 21- Awards program

W, May 22- Last Student Day

4th Grade Tidbits


        *PE             4S- Monday

                             4V- Friday

        *Music        4V-  Monday

                               4S-  Tuesday

        *Art             4V- Tuesday

                            4S- Thursday

        *Tech          4V- Friday

                            4S- Friday

*SEL           4V- Thursday (every other week)

                             4S- Friday  (every other week)

  Would you like to donate something to the class?  Suggestions:

*playdough (for inside recess)

*post-it notes

*index cards

*sheet protectors