Meet the Teacher

Gabrielle Martin, M.Ed

Hello and welcome to the 2019/2020 school year! I am looking forward to this new year. My primary role at St. Bon's is as a Mathematics and Science teacher. In addition to my academic responsibilities, I am also the Site Coordinator for our Christian Service Program at the Gathering Place and the Site Coordinator for our involvement in the AVLI program.

On this site you will find course pages for the individual courses I teach (see links on the left) and below you'll also see a variety of links that may be useful throughout the year for both students and parents. If you come across other useful links, please share them with me so I can post them for everyone to see!

Feel free to contact me at any time. You can reach me by email here.

Homework Sites


Math 1201-1

Math 1201-2

Math 2200

Math 3200

Science 1206

“If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.” ― John von Neuman

Math Practice & Tutorials

Here are some links where you can find extra practice on individual topics.Kuta Software - Generate worksheets (with answer keys from all topics from Junior High to CalculusIXL Math - This is one many of you may be familiar with. Great for practice and instant feedback.Math Bits - This one has a lot of fun activities for practicing pre-algebra all the way up to Calculus.Analyze Math - All sorts of worksheets sorted by topic.

Graphing Utility

Desmos - There are others but this one is my personal favourite. There is also an app of the same name you can use on your phone.

AP Calculus AB

AP Central - Information about AP Calculus and the AP - This one has some animations, sample exams, worksheets and tutorial.