
Teaching award

I received the Stanford Centennial Teaching Assistant Award in June 2019.

Teaching experience:

I am currently not teaching. In the past, I have taught the following at Stanford:

  • Summer 2019 (Instructor): Functions of a Complex Variable (MATH 106)

  • Spring 2019 (CA): Lebesgue Integration and Fourier Analysis (MATH 172)

  • Winter 2019 (TA): Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus and Modern Applications (MATH 51)

  • Fall 2018 (TA): Modern Mathematics: Continuous Methods I (MATH 61CM)

  • Winter 2018 (TA): Modern Mathematics: Continuous Methods II (MATH 62CM)

  • Fall 2017 (CA): Elementary Functional Analysis (MATH 175)

  • Summer 2017 (Instructor): Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (MATH 53)

  • Winter 2017 (TA): Multivariable Integration (MATH 52)

  • Fall 2016 (CA): Algebraic Topology (MATH 215A)

  • Winter 2016 (TA): Honors Calculus II (MATH 52H)

  • Fall 2015 (CA): Functions of a Real Variable (MATH 115)

I have also taught the following at the Université Libre de Bruxelles:

  • Winter-Spring 2014 (TA): Probabilités et Statistiques (MATH-F105)

  • 2013-2014 (CA): Calcul Différentiel et Intégral I (MATH-F101)

  • 2013-2014 (CA): Algèbre Linéaire et Géométrie (MATH-F102)

  • 2011-2013: held office hours for all mathematics courses for freshmen

In the above,

  • Instructor = prepare and give lectures, create homework and exams, hold office hours, grade exams and handle administrative tasks

  • TA = lead exercise sessions, hold office hours, grade exams and write up solutions

  • CA = hold office hours, grade homework and exams, and write up solutions