

  • In 2018 and in 2019, I co-organized the Kylerec workshop. This is a student-led workshop on a topic in symplectic topology, aimed at graduate and postdoctoral students. All the talks are given by students, under the supervision of mentors who are young experts in the field.
  • From Spring 2017 to Spring 2018, I organized the Student Symplectic Geometry seminar at Stanford. In Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 it was organized by Laurent Côté, and starting on Spring 2019 it is organized by Ipsita Datta.


At Stanford, I was involved in several mentoring programs.

  • The Stanford Math Directed Reading Program (from winter 2017 up to now), which pairs undergraduate students with graduate students to conduct independent reading on a mathematical topic outside of the official coursework.
  • The Stanford TA mentoring program (spring 2018, fall 2018 and winter 2019), designed to provide advice and supervision to first-time TAs in the math department.
  • The Stanford first-year mentoring program (from 2015 up to now), designed to help first-year PhD students navigate the university's logistics and requirements.