8th Grade

Visual Intelligence project

Now that you have finished reading the text, your assignment is to create an audio/video ‘simulated’ diary that encapsulates the main ideas of your reading. The diary is ‘simulated’ because it does not have to be based on your actual experiences (think of it as the difference between reality tv and a carefully scripted program). While you are not writing an essay for this assignment, I will require you to present a written plan or outline of BOTH what you are going to do AND a written account (or summary) of what you have done. I do NOT need to see the script of your diary; the plan is sufficient.

You MAY work with one other partner on this assignment, but it is not a requirement. If you do work with a partner, I will need a short description of who did what on the project. If there is an unequal amount of work done, I will assign one student a lesser grade. This description belongs in the written account described above.

To complete your project, you will need to first consider what format you want to use. You can:

1) interview (and record) subjects before and after they interact with visual stimulus (this can be artwork but I will give you freedom to choose what you show) and comment on their observational skills,

2) record your own observations and interpretations of art (visiting a museum, gallery, public space where art is displayed, etc.),

3) record a day(s) in your life where you are practicing the observational techniques discussed in the book and providing commentary on what you are now more aware of as you observe,

4) a combination of these ideas

To enhance your diary, you will use musical selections (think of it as musically scoring your commentary) that you select to reinforce your ideas (or even to provide irony, sarcasm, humor). You should have a minimum of three different pieces of music. Do not let the music play alone (without commentary) for more than a minute or two at most as it is your commentary that must be the star or feature of the diary. You may also include visuals (pictures of the artwork, subjects, atmosphere) in your diary.

The main ideas in the book are: assess, analyze, articulate, and adapt. Your diary should address each of these concepts in a creative and engaging way. Consider answering the following questions: how do I assess a new environment or work of art? How do I allow personal bias to affect my analysis, and how can I avoid this? How well can I communicate my observations to others who have not seen or have not observed what I observe? How have I sharpened my own observational skills, and how can I help someone do the same? Consider these questions as a guide, but your diary should address some or all of these questions.

Your diary should be between 5-8 minutes long once you have edited your recorded material. This assignment is due on Friday, January 21st.