How do I add Brain Breaks to My Classroom?


1. Movement requires teaching:

* Teach your students that movement is a tool that can be used to excite your body or calm your body.

* After the movement break use a cue to help them understand the movement was a tool to help them prepare their minds for learning. An example may be...

“Now our bodies are ready to sit long and strong and we are ready to learn”.

2. Movement requires thoughtful and purposeful choices of what type and when:

Teacher says: “these students are too active, they won’t calm down!”


•Routines/rituals •Music – 60 bpm

•Soft voice •Move in slow motion

•Deep breathing/Yoga •Chair pushups

•Mantras •Heavy work

•Neck Roll •Linear movements

•Isometrics (pushing hands together in front of chest)

Teacher says: “These kids are not alert enough to Learn”


•A little stress such as a timer •Loud and lively music

•Intonation of voice •Snapping, clapping

•Movement breaks – stimulating •Change in position

•Rapidly changing or irregular inputs •Spinning or rotational movements

•Belly breathing •Aerobic exercise 1-2 min.

•Large movement activities prior to sitting down

•Seating changes to include standing, t-stool, move and sit cushion

3. Brain Breaks can be done in a variety of ways...

Informal unplanned movement Spontaneous only lasting a few moments:

    • Laughter break

    • Happy, Sad, Angry face

    • Joke of the day

    • Exercise Beach Ball

    • Balloon volleyball

    • Exercise Sticks

    • Change in sitting positions –standing, turn your chairs around or sideways, sit on top of the desks

    • Drive Thru Menus/Cards

    • Yoga Poses

Formal movement breaks: pre-planned teacher lead at specific intervals or transitions, may or may not contain curriculum based information. Can be a separate brain break or routine based movements in the day.

    • Movement Mats – can be used with curriculum content or movement for movement sake – placed strategically throughout the room

    • Establish a Daily Rule with a physical activity – i.e. – you need to walk backwards to go to the water fountain.

    • Use strategies such as Walking Worksheets or Race in Place for each content area.

    • Strategically placing deep breathing exercises in the day.

    • Use a different movement for each transition time – crawling, high knees, knee walking, jumping

Check out the links below for many different ways to move in your classroom...

OASD Brain Break Symbaloo - Elementary This Symbaloo was created by Marcy Heuer, PT and includes links to calming and energizing videos, brain breaks you can purchase, brain breaks you can create yourself, classroom energizers and brain fitness information.

Active Academics

Active Academics® is a resource for classroom teachers to provide practical physical activity ideas that can be integrated into regular classroom content areas. Get students "up and moving" while still engaged in the academic learning process.

Cosmic Kids

Cosmic Kids Yoga YouTube Channel has many brain breaks that focuses on movement and mindfulness.

3-2-1- Scoot

An activity that involves general movement around the classroom that can be modified for any content area.

ABC for Fitness

ABC for Fitness™ is a program designed to convert wasted time in school into productive, health-promoting activity bursts. The program is based on the amount of time TEACHERS say they typically waste during the school day in disciplining restless or inattentive children. By breaking activity into short “bursts” that can be delivered right in the classroom throughout the day, ABC for Fitness™ provides teachers a means to dissipate the restless energy of their pupils; keep the children alert and focused; and never interfere with teaching time.


A popular brain break resource that has several options for calming, energizing or just plain fun. Be creative but choose your brain break with thoughtful consideration to your classrooms needs at the time.

Energizers for School

Elementary and middle school energizers are classroom-based physical activities that help teachers integrate physical activity with academic concepts


YogaKids is the pioneer training ground for kids yoga teachers and the leading provider of yoga products for kids, parents and educators.

Drive Thru Menus

These programs are intended to provide engaging and meaningful exercises in situations where time is limited, in much the same way that drive thru restaurants provide food for people in a hurry. Menus are categorized for ease of use within your classroom in different situations.