Welcome to Junior High Math!




6TH - 8TH Grade Math

glorenzana @csdo.org  


 6th Grade 7th Grade 7th Accelerated 8th Grade Algebra 1

Thank you for visiting the St. Mary School Math Program website!  My main goal is to inspire, educate and empower my students in their math learning and to bring about high levels of  engagement and achievement using their growth mindsets.


What curriculum is being used?

In junior high (6th grade through algebra) we are using the enVision Math series.  

Assessments are graded by standards based on the following rubric:

 How is  math differentiated for students within a grade level?

 Students master math concepts at different speeds, so it is our job to meet them where they are and challenge them to be as successful as possible.  We use a variety of tools and strategies to support and challenge our students, and are always brainstorming new ideas.  Two tools that we use often are IXL,  Khan Academy and Mathletics.  All students have access to both programs through their  school CLEVER account and their teacher can login and assign various lessons for the student to practice.  Remedial lessons can be assigned to students needing extra support, standards-based, grade level lessons can be assigned to students needing extra practice on a current topic and higher (grade) level lessons can be assigned to students that want to challenge themselves beyond the grade-level expectations.  We also write specific learning contracts for students that need more individualized support (be it remediation or acceleration).

Your student can access the IXL, Khan Academy and Mathletics programs through their school single-sign on CLEVER account. 

What can parents do to help their students with studying and preparing for a math test?

A very important component to math is correcting homework, quizzes and tests by showing all the new work in detail. For quizzes and tests, that means use a fresh piece of paper and a red pen. Correcting mistakes helps with long term retention and concept depth, and builds great discipline in patience and thoroughness. Doing corrections and then reviewing them is a great way to prepare for a test. 

Other test prep strategies:

What can parents do to support their student's math development?

At the bottom of this page you will find a pdf labeled "Advice to Parents..." that can be used as a great resource from Stanford University explaining best practices for parents to support their students in math. We also recommend talking to your students about math.  Ask them what they are learning.  Ask them to explain the process they are learning. Why does it work? Albert Einstein said it best when he said, "If you can't explain it you don't understand it well enough."

The following videos are great for understanding the shifts happening in math.

What resources are recommended if students want to do additional practice outside of school time?

Please visit our "Summer Math Resources" page on the sidebar to see options for online and paper/pencil practice.

Please feel free to email us with any questions.  Thank you!

God Bless,

Mrs. Lorenzana (glorenzana@csdo.org)