Version 2.6.0, released 07 May 2010

Version 2.6.5, released 18 Mar 2011

    • New Trial mode feature: the searchTask special operation.

    • Updated readcxdata() to handle new data file version (17): new header flags related to the searchTask feature, plus new header field iSTSelected, which holds the zero-based index of the target selected (or -1 if no target was selected during the task).

    • Bug fixed: readcxdata() erroneously used the XYScope frame update interval instead of the RMVideo frame update interval when computing target trajectory data for a trial involving RMVideo targets.

Version 2.6.4, released 04 Oct 2010

Bug Fix: Trial sequencer mode Wt Ordered NOFIX behaved as if fixation requirements were being enforced. Also, both Wt Ordered modes failed to count trial blocks. Fixed.

Version 2.6.3, released 15 Sep 2010

    • Fixed a minor implementation issue with the RMVideo Plaid and Grating targets. If a plaid and a grating appeared in the same trial, and the plaid was defined before the grating in the trial target list, the plaid was not drawn correctly. Now, the order of definition does not matter. RMVideo version now = 5.

    • (24 Sep 2010) Both readcxdata() and editcxdata() were modified to support new action codes introduced in JMWork v1.4.0. The ACTION_DEFTAG action code group supports attaching user-defined labels to the data file's recorded timeline, while the ACTION_DISCARD action code introduces an explicit discard mark as an alternative to the "conventions" employed historically by XWork and MWork users.

    • (29 Sep 2010) Fixed a bug in editcxdata(): When readcxdata() consumes a file with no J/X/MWork edits, the new discard field in the output structure will be uninitialized. When this structure was passed to editcxdata(), the function failed because it required that discard be a defined scalar. Now, if discard is uninitialized, editcxdata() assumes that the discard flag is unset.

    • (29 Sep 2010) Added readcxdata()/editcxdata() MEX file support for the Win64 platform (.mexw64 extension).

Version 2.6.2, released 23 Jun 2010

Added trial sequencer modes Wt Ordered and Wt Ordered NOFIX.

Version 2.6.1, released 26 May 2010 (rev 11 Jun)

    • Added field dwTrialFlags to data file header. In Trial mode only, this exposes some trial flags that cannot be gleaned from parsing the trial codes stored elsewhere in the file. Data file version now = 16.

    • Updates to readcxdata(): (1) Exposes new header field dwTrialFlags. (2) Added new field to the output: targets.on lists the trial epochs during which each participating trial target was turned ON. It is a 1xN cell array, where N is the number of trial targets. Each entry in the cell array is a numeric vector holding the trial times, in milliseconds, at which target was turned on, then off: [tOn1 tOff1 tOn2 tOff2 ...]. Since times are reported relative to the start of recording, some times may be negative!

    • (Revised 11 Jun) Minor change: In the first segment of a trial (seg 0), the Target Position Scale/Rotate factors in the Other Params tab of the Trial mode control panel will no longer be applied to a target if that target's position is set ABSolutely. In all other trials segments, target position is scaled and rotated regardless.

Version 2.6.0, released 07 May 2010

    • Increased limit on maximum number of dots allowed in an RMVideo Random-Dot Patch target from 1000 to 9999. RMVideo version now = 4.

    • Fixed bug in the implementation of RMVideo Random-Dot Patch target when the aperture was a rectangular annulus. Also corrected minor bug in the RMVideo Flow Field target (RMVideo was interpreting target dimensions as inner and outer diameters, when Maestro is sending radii!)

    • Introduced new fields in the data file header to store the values of Start Pos H,V from the Global Overrides section of the Other Params tab in the Trial mode control panel. Modified both JMWork and readcxdata() accordingly to expose the new fields. Data file version now = 15.

    • New feature: Support for creating Maestro experiment protocols in Matlab. The Matlab M-file function maestrodoc(), along with a supporting Java code archive (JAR), makes it possible to create a JSON-encoded Maestro eXperiment document (JMX) from the Matlab command line -- or better yet -- a Matlab script. The JMX file is then imported into Maestro, at which point it can be further edited and then saved as a standard experiment document (with the .cxe extension).

    • Updated readcxdata() to reflect new fields in data file header. Also, retired Linux 32-bit versions of readcxdata() and editcxdata() (extension .mexglx), as we no longer have any Linux 32-bit machines in use in the Lisberger lab; added Mac OSX 64-bit versions (extension .mexmaci64).