Version 1.8

Version 1.8.4, 21 May 2019

Modified to support reading in data file version 23, introduced with the release of Maestro version 4.1.0. Support for "flickering" RMVideo targets was added in this release, which required adding three flicker-related parameters to the target definition. JMWork was updated to properly parse the target definition record, which was altered to accommodate these new parameters. The new parameters may be examined in the Info view -- look for a row labelled "Flicker" for each RMVideo target definition listed in the Info view.

Version 1.8.3, 26 Mar 2019

    • Updated IAW Maestro data file changes coming in Maestro 4.0.5, data file version 22. The RMVideo refresh rate is now stored in micro-Hz instead of milli-Hz. In addition, the new array field rmvDupEvents[] stores information about duplicate frame events detected by RMVideo during a trial (Trial mode files only).

  • If any RMVideo duplicate frame events are stored in the data file, the tabular summary in the Information View will include a row for each event (maximum of 3), giving the reason for the event, the starting frame index N, and the number of contiguous duplicate frames M comprising the event. These rows appear immediately under the rows listing display resolution, refresh rate, and size.

Version 1.8.2, 14 Jan 2019

Bug fixed: The method that returns the list of files in a directory does not guarantee that the files will be returned in any specific order. Up until now, that has not been an issue. However, a user recently found that, on Mac OSX 10.14 (Mojave), the data files listed in JMWork we're in seemingly random order. To address this problem, JMWork now sorts the file list in increasing alphabetical order.

Version 1.8.1, 04 Dec 2018

  • Updated to handle new field timestampMS in Maestro data file header, which was introduced in Maestro v4.0.1. Note that data file version is still 21. For any data files recorded by Maestro 4.0.0, the timestamp will be 0. The timestamp is the approximate elapsed time when the trial started (or, in Continuous mode, when a recording was initiated) in milliseconds since Maestro launched.

  • The tabular summary in the Information View will show the file timestamp in the row labelled "Start timestamp", immediately after the "Date recorded".

Version 1.8.0, 20 Aug 2018 (rev 01 Oct 2018)

  • Updated to support Maestro data file version 21, effective as of Maestro version 4.0.0. This Maestro release migrates Maestro 3.x to the 64-bit Windows 10/RTX64 platform.

  • The tabular summary in the Information View will list the trial set to which the presented trial belonged. If the trial also belongs to a subset of that trial set, the subset's name is also listed (Trial mode files only).

  • The tabular summary will also list the parameter values pertaining to the new RMVideo "vertical sync flash" feature, which was added in Maestro 4.0.0 (Trial mode files only).