Version 1.5

Version 1.5.0, 25 May 2012

    • JMWork migrated to Java 6 on Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.7 platforms. Various minor technical changes.

    • Development environment: Eclipse Indigo 3.7.2, Java 1.6.0_31b04, Mac OS X 10.7.4.

    • Testing platforms: Mac OS X 10.7.4 (Apple Java 1.6.0_31b04), Windows 7 (Oracle Java 1.6.0_31-b05), Linux 64-bit (Oracle/Sun Java 1.6.0_10).

    • Modified to take advantage of native splash screen support in Java 6. (Previously, we had to use a separate launcher class that loaded the splash image and then called JMWork's main() method via class reflection.) For Mac OS X, splash image is located in $APP_PACKAGE/Resources and the Info.pList file in app bundle includes a "SplashFile" key to instruct the native launcher to use it. For Win/Linux, the splash image is in the executable JAR file, and the JAR manifest includes the path to that image in the "SplashScreen-Image" attribute.

    • Modified to remove dependence on deprecated API from the Apple Java Extensions package. With this change, Apple Java 1.6.0_22 or greater is required to run JMWork under Mac OS X.

    • Fixed Windows 7-specific bugs observed during testing (see for details).

    • N.B.: At startup on Mac OSX 10.7.4, observe a sequence of four errors related to a graphics context: CGContextGet(Set)BaseCTM : invalid context 0x0. Unable to find source, but the errors appear benign and happen only at startup. No malfunction observed in GUI.

    • Modified Windows/Linux and Mac OS X application packages to support running JMWork with a maximum heap space of 512M instead of the default.

    • Updated "About" dialog to display the OS platform on which JMWork is running.