Version 1.4

Version 1.4.4, 02 Mar 2012

Modified to support reading in data file version 19, to be introduced when Maestro version 3.0.0 for Windows 7 and RTX 2011 is released. While this is a major version change for Maestro, there are no changes in the data file format except the file version number. As of this version, JMWork no longer validates the data file version number when reading a data file, other than to verify that it is non-negative. Thus, it will no longer be necessary to update JMWork for every increment in the data file version, unless there are real changes in the file format.

Version 1.4.3, 18 May 2011

Modified to support reading in data file version 18, to be introduced shortly when Maestro version 2.7.0 is released. This version of Maestro corrects some bugs in the implementation of several XYScope targets, changes the frame of reference for XYScope target pattern velocity from the display screen to the target window, and introduces a "sliding window average" of eye position to smooth out the effects of system noise when targets are velocity-stabilized. The length of this sliding window, when applicable, is reported in the Information panel. Also, JMWork's calculation of trial target trajectories was tweaked somewhat to bring it in line with recent changes in the Matlab utility readcxdata().

Version 1.4.2, 09 Mar 2011

Modified to support reading in data file version 17, to be introduced shortly when Maestro version 2.6.5 is released. This version of Maestro adds a "search task" feature to Trial mode. When JMWork processes a trial involving a search task, it reports the results of the search task in the Information panel.

Version 1.4.1, 20 Dec 2010

    • Bug fix: If highlight region's start or end time was defined by the occurrence of a pulse and no such pulse occurred, the highlight region sometimes showed up anyway.

    • Bug fix: If a uniform noise perturbation was applied to a trial target, a null-pointer exception occurred while computing the target's trajectory, and JMWork would behave strangely afterwards.

Version 1.4.0, 22 Sep 2010

    • Introduced the tag annotation: a timestamp with an associated user-defined label string. The label must contain 1-16 visible ASCII characters. Tags can be added interactively on the trace canvas via the new define tags mode. The tags are listed in the Annotations (formerly, Cuts and Marks) table, and both tag label and timestamp can be edited there.

    • Introduced an explicit discard flag, ie., a dedicated discard action code. There are now 3 alternative discard mark styles: (1) the discard flag (JMWork style); (2) defining a single mark segment (XWork style); or (3) defining a mark1 at t = -1 (MWork style). This is a user preference set via a combo box in the Display panel.