Version 1.2

Version 1.2.2, 22 Jan 2010

Modified to support reading in data file version 14, to be introduced shortly when Maestro version 2.5.2 is released. Minor changes to accept the new data file version and to recognize a new flag for the RMVideo Random-Dot Patch target. No functional changes or feature additions.

Version 1.2.1, 18 Sep 2009

Modified to support reading in data file version 13, to be introduced shortly when Maestro version 2.5.0 is released. New target type, the RMVideo Movie target, is introduced in this version of Maestro. JMWork was updated to accept the new data file version number and to properly parse the target definition record, which was altered to accommodate new parameters for the Movie target. Target parameters may be examined in the Info view.

Version 1.2.0, 09 Jun 2009

    • The allowed range for the saccade cutter's threshold parameter was changed from [20.200] to [5..200].

    • Introduced the Info view. This panel is hidden initially (because users typically are not interested in its content) but may be revealed by selecting the menu command View|Information. The panel will appear to the right of the canvas controls panel, below the trace canvas. A table in this panel displays selected information culled from the data file's header, and lists all target definitions extracted from the file's target records. It includes a checkbox for toggling the user's preference to ignore metadata records like the target and trial-code records, since processing these records may be problematic (particularly for older data files) and users may not be interested in the additional information. If any warnings (errors which do not affect parsing the recorded data in the file) are encountered while parsing metadata records, these warnings are displayed in a text area below the checkbox. If there are no warning, the text area is hidden.

    • Added support for computing and displaying the trajectories of targets designated as fixation target 1 or 2 during a trial (Trial mode only). If available, each such computed trajectory variable may be displayed by selecting the appropriate channel in the Channels list: "Fix 1 Horiz Pos", "Fix 1 Vert Pos", etc. Computed trajectories will not be available if the user has chosen to ignore metadata records in the data file, or if a problem occurs while parsing target or trial-code records.