Version 1.0

Version 1.0.4, 29 Apr 2008

  • The trace canvas's edit mode is now persistent. Whatever mode the canvas was in when the cursor leaves it, that mode is restored (if possible) when the cursor reenters. [If that mode is not available -- eg, the canvas cannot enter adjust mode if there are no marks or saccade cuts defined! -- then the canvas will revert to the default marks mode.]

  • The rendering of a spike train on the trace canvas is now thrice taller than in the previous version -- this should make it easier to stay within the spike train band when doing manual spike edits of a sorted-spike train or when selecting a spike to highlight from the spike sorter's current output train.

  • Bugs fixed: (a) When the Discard mark style is a single mark segment and the Auto-cut on file open? box is checked, a file that was previously discarded would be auto-cut the next time it was opened. This incorrect behavior no longer occurs. (b) If a trial set included a trial name that was a substring of another trial name in the set, one of the trial names would be missing from the list of available trial names in the filter-by-trial combo box.

Version 1.0.3, 23 Jan 2008

  • Fixed bugs: (a) The gain parameter is not working for analog channel 0 (HGPOS). (b) The spike sorter's results trace is drawn at the baseline of the high-resolution spike waveform instead of above it. (c) [Mac OSX-specific] An occasional vertical line (marking saccade cuts or mark1/2 times) fails to render at all.

  • If only accepted (rejected) spikes are drawn in the spike sorter canvas, then only accepted (rejected) spikes are likewise shown in the spike sorter's current output spike train on the trace canvas.

  • Modified appearance of the compact "color chooser" popup that appears when user clicks on a cell in the Color column of the channel settings table. Formerly, the individual R/G/B components of the selected color could be changed via a text field-slider combination. This combination has been replaced by a more compact integer-valued spinner control, and the popup panel has been rearranged accordingly. Also fixed a sizing problem observed in Mac OSX.

  • Fixed column widths in the channel settings and cuts/marks tables to ensure that widest values in each column are entirely visible (column resizing is disabled). Also fixed row height in both tables to better accommodate the integer-valued cell editor that appears when editing numerical values. The cell-sizing issues were most pronounced in Mac OSX, less so in Linux, and not observed in WinXP.

Version 1.0.2, 18 Jan 2008

    • The spike sorter's trigger level is now displayed in the spike sorter canvas as a thin black horizontal line.

    • The data trace canvas now has a fixed vertical extent [-3000..3000]. That way, as you scan through many similar trials, the various traces you're examining have a consistent baseline.

    • Added a gain parameter to the Channels table in the control panel, so that you scan scale as well as offset any analog data trace. NOTE that the gain parameter applies only to analog traces; it is ignored for the digital event channels and the sorted-spike train channels. Also, the gain is an integer in [10..9999], corresponding to a scale factor of [0.1 .. 99.99].

    • Changed many of the text-field widgets on the control panel to "spinner" controls: You can now change the parameter by entering the desired value in the field or by clicking the embedded up/down arrows.

    • For Linux users within the Keck Center intranet, JMWork is now available by simply typing jmw from a xterm. This may not work on all Linux setups!

Version 1.0.1, 11 Jan 2008

The initial release.