Little Kids Rock! Ukuleles, Guitars, Keyboards, Drums, etc.!

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We have been using Little Kids Rock Videos for our Ukulele lessons in class, but Little Kids Rock is much more than just ukuleles - they have resources for learning songs, playing guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, etc.! If you have some musical instruments around the house, or want to sing, this can be your big chance! Go to the lessons page, and take a lesson. Then find a song you like on the "Learn a Song" page - there are hundreds of them - and go for it!

Little Kids Rock Link:

Les Paul was one of the inventors of the electric guitar. He also was a famous guitar player. You can learn a lot about electronic music making from the Les Paul Foundation. Their link is:

P.S. Little Kids Rock is the organization that provided us with the Kaler/Dyer Ukuleles! Thank you!