New Millennium

USH.25C identify the impact of popular American culture on the rest of the world over time; and USH.25D analyze the global diffusion of American culture through the entertainment industry via various media

USH.26C explain how the contributions of people of various racial, ethnic, gender, and religious groups shape American culture

USH.26D identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women such as Frances Willard, Jane

Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dolores Huerta, Sonia Sotomayor, and Oprah Winfrey to American societyUSH.17B identify the causes of prosperity in the 1950s, including the BabyBoom and the impact of the GI Bill (Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944), and the effects of prosperity in the 1950s such as increased consumption and the growth ofagriculture and business;

USH.19B explain constitutional issues raised by federal government policy changes during times of significant events, including World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, the 1960s, and 9/11

(USH.19D) discuss the role of contemporary government legislation in the private and public sectors such as the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, USA PATRIOT Act of 2001, and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; and

USH.20B evaluate the impact of relationships among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government, including Franklin D. Roosevelt's attempt to increase thenumber of U.S. Supreme Court justices and the presidential election of 2000

USH.18B identify the impact of international events, multinational corporations, government policies, and individuals on the 21st century economy.

USH.27A explain the effects of scientific discoveries and technological innovations such as electric power, telephone and satellite communications, petroleum-based products, steel production, and computers on the economic development of the United States;

USH.27B explain how specific needs result in scientific discoveries and technological innovations in agriculture, the military, and medicine, including vaccines; and

USH.27C understand the impact of technological and management innovations and their applications in the workplace and the resulting productivity enhancements for business and labor such as assembly line manufacturing, time-study analysis, robotics, computer management, and just-in-time inventory management

USH.28A analyze how scientific discoveries, technological innovations, and the application of these by the free enterprise system, including those in transportation andcommunication, improve the standard of living in the United States;

USH.28C understand how the free enterprise system drives technological innovation and its application in the marketplace such as cell phones, inexpensive personal computers,and global positioning products

P: 29A, 29B, 29D, 29G, 29H, 30B, 31B

USH.2D explain the significance of the following years as turning points: 1898 (Spanish-American War),

1914-1918 (World War I), 1929 (the Great Depression begins), 1939-1945 (World War II), 1957 (Sputnik launch ignites U.S.-Soviet space race), 1968-1969 (Martin Luther KingJr. assassination and U.S. lands on the moon), 1991 (Cold War ends), 2001 (terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon), and

2008 (election of first black president, Barack Obama).

USH.10C compare the impact of energy on the American way of life over time; USH.10F describe significant societal issues of this time period.

USH.11A describe U.S. involvement in world affairs, including the end of the Cold War, the Persian Gulf War, the Balkans Crisis, 9/11, and the global War on Terror;

USH.11D analyze the impact of third parties on presidential elections; USH.11E discuss the historical significance of the 2008 presidential election;

USH.12A analyze the impact of physical and human geographic factors on the settlement of the Great Plains, the Klondike Gold Rush, the Panama Canal, the Dust Bowl, and thelevee failure in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina;

(GEO.13B ) analyze the causes and effects of changing demographic patterns resulting from legal and illegal immigration to the United States.