
Greetings!!! If you want to find out more about your social studies teacher, keep on reading!!!!

I was born and raised in Iowa. I have two sisters and a brother. My "fur child" is Sarah an 11 year old pug. I had Lilly an 11 year old French Bulldog, who became ill over the summer and had to cross the Rainbow Bridge. They were from local rescue groups. I volunteer for a couple of canine rescue organizations and also do animal assisted therapy with Sarah at a local nursing home.

After high school I earned an AA degree in Criminal Justice from Hawkeye Community college. Later, I attended the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) for my BA in History/ Education. I began my teaching career in Killeen, Texas in 1996. I taught there for 2 years before moving to Spring ISD in the fall of 1998. I taught at Wells Middle School for 11 years. I have been at RMS since the school opened. Over the years I have taught 6th grade World Cultures, 7th grade Texas History and 8th grade U.S. History.

I knew at the age of 9 that I wanted to be a teacher. My inspiration to teach came from my parents and the many wonderful teachers I had over the years. I have always loved History and continue to read and travel to discover and learn as much I can about everything I can. If I ever won the lottery I would travel the world and take classes in colleges everywhere I could. I love learning new things and am hungry for as much knowledge as I can gain.

I want my students to be successful in all they do. At Roberson Middle School we promote College and Career Readiness. I know that not everyone is cut out for college, and that is way....OK!!! Our communities need plumbers, electricians, custodians and mechanics too. I hope that your student is hungry to learn so that they can be successful in whatever avenue they pursue after high school.