TumbleBooks Restrictions

Can I Use TumbleBooks in my classroom?

From the President of Tumbleweed Press:

"As more and more public libraries partner with school districts in order to provide their students with library cards and to introduce those students to great library resources available to them, we thought it was a good time to remind our subscribers of TumbleBookLibrary’s Terms of Use.

As always, your subscription includes free and unlimited access for all non-institutional patrons of your library, both from within the library, and remotely with a valid library card.

However, our Terms of Use specifically prohibit any school, including its students and teachers, from accessing your TumbleBookLibrary subscription‎ from the school, even if they have a valid library card.

Students and teachers may, however, continue to access TumbleBookLibrary from their homes.

Right now, we’re simply asking our subscribers to help us by promoting their subscription only for use by library card holders within the library and at home, and to inform schools of the correct Terms of Use if they should become aware of unauthorized institutional usage.

We understand that as a public library you have a special relationship with the schools in your area, and so we wanted to make sure you understood our terms and know that there are school/library partnership opportunities available to you should you want to include the schools as part of your subscription.

If you have any questions about authorized users, or want to explore a school/library partnership, please reach out to our team.

Happy Tumbling"

Ron Zevy

President / CEO

Tumbleweed Press

1853A Avenue Road, Suite 4, Toronto, ON M5M 3Z4

Tel: 416-781-4010

Toll free: 1-888-622-9609

Fax: 416-781-2764
