
Present: Ascher, Folkedahl, Lebo, Miller, Munson, Murra, Saak, Thoren, VanderPol


1. Presentation on Security Report from Rick Busch of Eagle Ridge Tactical Inc.--POSTPONED due to Mr. Busch family emergency

2. Discussion on Upper Elementary rented boiler:

A. Reviewed history of building & use

B. Reviewed process used that led to Bond Referendum Ballot Question

C. Reviewed past committee thoughts on moving forward

1. Create specific questions about Upper El bldg for Community-wide Needs Assessment in conjunction with SIAC

2. Analyze perception data after assessment/survey is complete

D. Collect Current Data

1. Square footage being used for each purpose/program

2. Compile monthly costs for utilities

3. Discussion on fitness center needs:

A. Athletic Teams need more floor space to lift

1. Steve, Rollie, Brent, Matt & Andrew will meet on Friday, Dec. 13 to discuss possibly removing some equipment to make space

B. There may be a need to adjust open hours for the YMCA members to allow for athletic teams to access the equipment outside of school hours

1. Cassi, Steve, Rollie, Brent, Ron will schedule a meeting with reps from the YMCA to discuss--tentatively set for Dec. 19 at 7 p.m.

4. Set next meeting & agenda:

A. January 13, 2014 @ 1 p.m. in Admin Bldg

B. Review current 2014-2015 PPEL/SAVE Project recommendations and adjustments to 5-Year Facilities Plan