Mrs. Lemmon’s Heritage Project Resource Links


CultureGrams is a leading reference for concise and reliable cultural information on the countries of the world.


Broaden your horizons with our country profiles, maps, statistics, travel tips, and more.


BBC’s  Country Profiles provide an instant guide to history, politics and economic background of countries and territories, and background on key institutions.


The CIA's World Factbook page includes a lot of the information we've mentioned from other sites, like maps and flags. Its most interesting feature, though, is the Country Comparisons page. This allows you to see how the world's countries compare in a variety of areas.

5.  Browse recipes of the World.

6.   Far & Wide

Fascinating Facts About Every Single Country on Earth


A lot of what we've covered so far is cold factual information. But what if you want to get a feel for what society is like in a different country? You need to check out the country guides from Commisceo Global.