Middle School Policies

St. Mary School Middle School Policies: 5th-8th Grade

Proverbs 22:6 : “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

It is the goal of St. Mary School faculty members to provide a comprehensive academic education which includes  helping your child to develop good note-taking, organizational, and technological skills as well as proficiency in physical education, language, and the arts to help them be successful, well-rounded learners. The classroom is designed to be a place of mutual respect for the teacher and students where individuals feel comfortable and are encouraged to give their best academic performance. Faculty strive to cultivate an atmosphere of Christian charity in the classroom which is supportive of these goals. These policies are enforced to promote achievement of these goals.

Develop good study skills.

Being Prepared for the School Day

Parents we appreciate your efforts to want to bring forgotten homework, classwork, projects, or chromebooks to school, however, for health reasons and  in helping your child to learn to be responsible, we will not accept these items once the 7:50 am bell has rung. 


Use of the Printer for Classwork, Homework, Projects

Academic Integrity

St. Mary School expects that its students will take pride and ownership of their own school work.  While online learning is an environment that allows students to have open notebooks, the internet, and access to all class materials, we expect that students will adhere to the expectations that St. Mary School has set forth in its policies for academic integrity.  This means that students who share answers or use resources without giving proper credit or citations will face academic and disciplinary consequences which may include academic probation for a minimum of one marking period and affect your participation in school activities.

Plagiarism : If a student chooses to turn in someone else’s work, the highest grade the student may earn is an 80 and he/she will serve an after school detention in addition to other academic consequences.

Expectations for Schoolwork:


Name: ________________                                           Date:_______

St. Mary School                                                                        Grade _____


Technology Etiquette 

Think before you type. The chat feature will be utilized in the physical and remote classroom. Choose your words carefully. Use appropriate spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar to communicate with your teacher. Stay on topic. Don’t use sarcasm or humor that could be misunderstood. Don’t type in all caps. That is considered shouting. Students may use the private chat feature in google classroom when physically present and in the remote classroom to ask a teacher a question. 

Use of the chat feature to talk to other students is prohibited. It is the same as talking to each other in the physical classroom. 

Be careful about using sarcasm and humor to communicate. Without face-to-face communication, jokes and comments may be misinterpreted. When being humorous, consider using an emoticon to express humor. 

Absence: Make-up Work  


Parent Notification of Graded Assessments


Grading Policies

English, Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies



Tests/Projects/ Performance Assessments: 50%

Quizzes: 35%

Homework/Classwork: 15%

Homework/Classwork: 15%

Projects/Performance Assessments: 35%

Tests: 50%

Homework/Classwork: 25%

Tests: 75%

Cell Phones, Smart Watches,  and All other Technology Devices

Eligibility to Participate in Extra-curricular Activities:

Sports, Theater, Music Ministry, Clubs

Communication with Faculty