Cap and Gown Info

Seniors MUST have a cap and gown purchased separately through Jostens in order to participate in Commencement.  Caps and gowns will be distributed in April outside of Room 159/Auditorium.  All financial obligations must be paid before the cap and gown can be given to the student.  Cap and gown measurements should have been turned in to Jostens in the fall.  For questions, contact John Armstrong, Josten's Representative.


Gowns must be pressed before being worn.  Please use a cool iron.  All students will also be wearing their HS medals and lanyards.  Dress shoes MUST be worn with the cap and gown.  Flip-flops, tennis shoes, and/or boots are NOT permitted.  Girls should wear dresses under their gowns.  Boys MUST wear dress pants, shirts, and ties.  Any senior NOT dressed appropriately will be removed from the ceremony.  Please let us know if these requirements create a problem for you.

What to wear: