Quarter 2 Infographics- Period 4

For their second quarter Independent Book Project, students read nonfiction. Everyone got to choose their own topic to research and created an infographic to present to the class. All in all, these are some amazing projects!

Click on the hyperlinked name to see that students infographic.

Aidan - Soccer

Alyssa - Mountain in the Stratosphere: Mount Everest

Amanda - The Process of Winemaking

Andrew - Danger! Danger! Danger! Alligators versus Crocodiles

Anthony - You Have Cells

August - Socks

Ava - History's Most Dangerous Weather



Celia - Shallow Seas and Ocean Deep

Chaz - The History of Coca Cola

Courtney - Plant Eating Giants: Elephants

Cypris - The Adventure of Skydiving

Danae - The Unsinkable Ship: The RMS Titanic

Ella - Polar Bears: The Biggest Bears on Earth

Harmony - The History of Volleyball

Jared - Tigers

Jenny - Zombie Makers: True Stories of Nature's Undead



Liz - Silent Hunters: Sharks, the Rulers of the Ocean

Lucas - Romania: From Roman Empire to Dracula and Beyond

Manny C. - I'm a Cheetah! The Fastest Cat in the World

Manny V. - How Chocolate Changed

Morgan - Chemistry and Its Reactions (see a video demonstration below!)

Quique - The Great Depression in Germany
