About CEUs

What are CEUs?

A Continuing Education Credit (Also referred to a "Continuing Education Unit" - CEU) is a measure used in continuing education programs to assist the professional to maintain his or her license in their profession. Continuing education or professional development is required in many fields.

Can I receive Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) for taking this Training?

Yes! To earn Social Work Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) you must complete the CEU Quiz and achieve a passing grade (80% correct or better). At this time, we can offer only social work specific CEUs for this training. Our hope is to offer CEUs for other disciplines in the future.

However, if you are a nurse, this training meets the requirements set out by the Board of Registration in Nursing requirements for CEU programs. It is up to you to purchase CEUs and submit the certificate and other necessary information.

How much do the CEU credits cost and how to I get my certificate?

Following successful completion of the quiz, you will have the option to make an online payment of the CEU fee.

The fee is $55. A Simmons School of Social Work CEU certificate of completion will be sent to you by mail.

The CEU certificate represents 3.5 CEUs.