Standby Services


Operations Officers

717.697.3131 Ext. 102

Types of Standby Service

Committed Ambulance Service

Service provides a fully-staffed Basic Life Support ambulance. Committed Ambulance service is a dedicated service, which will guarantee a presence at the assigned event for the duration. Committed ambulances will be unavailable to respond to emergency dispatches within the primary service area of Silver Spring Ambulance during the event. Committed ambulances will only leave the event for life-threatening emergencies occurring at the event. Committed service is optimal for events with moderate to high attendance or risk.

Non-Committed Ambulance Service

Service provides a fully-staffed Basic Life Support ambulance. Non-Committed Ambulance service is not a dedicated service, which does not guarantee a presence at the assigned event for the duration. Non-Committed ambulances will be available from the standby service to respond to emergency dispatches within the primary service area of Silver Spring Ambulance. Non-Committed service is optimal for events with low to moderate attendance or risk.

Service provides a Pennsylvania Department of Health certified Emergency Medical Technician with a Basic Life Support bag without an ambulance. Committed Provider-Only service is dedicated exclusively to the assigned event for the duration. Committed Provider-Only service is optimal for a basic first-aid stand setup for low to moderate attendance or risk.

Committed Provider-Only Service