Point Shooting

The natural Physiological Response to Threat and the implications for gunfighting
  1. Crouch
  2. Visual focus on threat, tunnel vision...not sights, in fact the tendency will be to shift the pistol lower to have unobstructed view of the threat...shooting at the feet
  3. Auditory Exclusion
  4. Heart rate high
  5. Degraded fine motor control...leaving only coarse muscle control
  6. Fear's Hormonal dump is not the same as physical exertion

Point shooting technique
    1. Point shooting is not sighted fire, but it is aimed fire.
    2. Pointing at an object with your finger
    3. Finger indexed on pistol
    4. Tape over sights
    5. Coarse muscle control means convulsive grip firing technique.
    6. Rob Leatham's Aiming is useless
    7. Body Point, Retention, Hip Technique Contact out to 5 feet
    8. Extended Point Shooting 5-20 feet
    9. Two handed, isosceles, technique beyond 20 feet.

  1. Applegate paintball quote
  2. Optimal use of cover
  3. Left hand as primary
  1. Perfect mirroring & why
  2. Ambi Controls
  3. How many rounds needed?
  4. Size and weight
  5. Opportunity Costs
  6. Paddle mag release
Grip Ratio Testing
Grip Ratio Testing
This video is a must especially the interview with Rex Applegate at the end.

Mike Glover offers "Alignment Shooting" (Point Shooting) Instruction.
G-Wrap extreme retention technique.
Gun-fighting while grappling
In Fight Weapon Access. Extreme Applegate turret. Extreme Close Quarter Combat.
Glock Perfection OEM Dummy Training Rounds
My own ambidextrous advocacy came from paintball, but is also heavily influence by self defense expert, Tim Larkin, and point shooting advocate, Rex Applegate.