Programme - Day Two


10.20 Overlooked commercial sources (Venue: Humanities Research Institute)

Chair: Scott Warfield

Olaf Jubin - “Didn’t You Once Sing to Me in German?” – Tracking the Dubbing and Subtitling of Film Musicals for the

German-language Market

Dean Adams - Art and Commerce: How to Succeed in Musical Theatre Business Sources

Discussion: How can we reconcile the artistic and commercial aspects of musicals into a single narrative?

11.15 Coffee (Venue: Humanities Research Institute)

11.35 Editions Panel (Venue: Humanitites Research Institute)

Chair: John Graziano

Matthew Malone - Subways are for Sleeping: Creating and Performing a new Critical Edition

Discussion with John Graziano and Amy Asch (editor of Hammerstein and Lerner's lyrics): What are the benefits

and perils of editions in musical theatre research?

12.15 Lunch (Venue: The Diamond, Workroom 2)

13.15 Archivists Panel (Venue: The Diamond, Lecture Theatre 3)

Chair: Dominic McHugh

Mark Eden Horowitz - Musical theatre collections in the Library of Congress

Doug Reside - "When scientists control the human race": Archives in the digital present

Discussion: How can archivists and scholars work together more closely to achieve mutual goals at a time when

funding for archives is increasingly cut back?

14.30 Coffee (Workroom 1)

15.00 Case Studies (Venue: The Diamond, Lecture Theatre 3)

Chair: Stephen Banfield

Nathan Blustein - Playwriting in Song: “Reprise Types” in Stephen Sondheim’s Sweeney Todd

Emilo Méndez - Something appealing, Something appalling”: stalking the Sondheim Musical through the

Mexican Archive

Discussion: How can source studies complement the study of living musical theatre writers?

15.55 Break (Walk to Department of Music)

16.10 Keynote and Discussion (Department of Music, Ensemble Room 2)

Chair: Dominic McHugh

Jeffrey Magee - “From Flatbush to Fun Home: Broadway’s Cozy Cottage Trope”

17.10 End of Session

18.00 Conference dinner (Optional: extra fee: Piccolino)

Go to Day Three

Lisa Lobdell - “Strange Bedfellows, or, what happens when a small archives and large university work together”