For 8th Graders

Now that you've graduated…

How are you going to sign in to your Chromebook?

Answer: You're going to need your own private gmail account!

If you graduated in May 2024, your school google account will be closed on Sunday, June 7, 2024.

You may already have a personal Google account, but if not, you'll need to:

Create a new Google account. This will be your personal account.

Information about setting up a new Gmail account.

You will need this personal account once St. Gerard Majella School is no longer managing your Chromebook. Then you can sign in with your personal account.

Do you want to take any files with you?

Once your school account is closed on June 7, 2024, files, papers, photos in your Google drive will no longer be available.

Go to the files you would like to keep.

Right-click to get to Share, or select the file and click the Share button.

If you get a message that you can't share the file with yourself, it's probably because you're not the owner. Your teacher will be listed as the owner if you turned this file in for an assignment.

The easy fix for this problem is to make a copy of the file. Under the File menu, choose Make a copy. Now share the copy with yourself (in the personal account). If you look at your personal account, you'll see that you are listed as the owner of the copy.

To see another way to do this, take a look at the first 5 min. of this video by Alice Keeler. It shows how to move a file from your sgmschool account into a folder called "Share with myself" so that you will be able to access files and folders in your personal gmail account.

That opens a share window.

Invite yourself, in your other account. 

Click "Advanced."

Now you can make a copy of the file in your new gmail account.

Go to your home account, then to "Shared with me."

Under File, choose Make a copy.

Once you make a copy, your new account is now the owner of the file.

More info

Prepare for Graduation