Fashion Photo Shoot


Types of Fashion Photos

Part 1: Planning

what are some layouts and styles you like? find some online or on instagram

what are you selling?

Who is your model?

What is the location?

What is the aesthetic?

Part 2: Photo Shoot

1) subject matter

2)  location

3) mood

4) lighting

5) aesthetic

6) styling

7) hair


9) make-upany references for theme or time, if applicable

Part 3: Layout

Include one  or 2 main large photos, 3 smaller, detail ones

Consider: what is the brand you are selling? North face will have a different aesthetic than Gucci, than Urban Outfitters... how is your layout, colors, style and font emphasizing what you are selling.

Play with layouts, look at CANVA for ideas

Use to find the perfect font for the brand 

Done Early? Elevate your piece

After downloading your final layout, open it into PS.