Kathy LeBaron

Kathy is a NARM Certified Professional Midwife and has been a Licensed Midwife in Idaho since 2010 (the same year that midwifery became legal in Idaho). She holds current certification in Neonatal Resuscitation and Adult/Infant CPR. She has studied herbology and holistic health extensively and has been active in midwifery since 1982.

She is a true “grand” midwife who first began informal training in a small rural community in Chihuahua, Mexico. She assisted the local Partera (midwife), and gained experience the old-fashioned way- hands on, one birth at a time. When her mentor left the community, Kathy was called to be the primary Partera to over 100 births. After returning to the United States to live in the early 2000’s, Kathy began formal studies with Ancient Art Midwifery School and began training with a local preceptor midwife. Before Idaho made midwifery a legal, licensed profession, Kathy completed requirements and exams to become a CPM through NARM in 2009.

Kathy was born in Salt Lake City, Utah and moved to Mexico with her family in 1965. There she met her husband and began her own family. She birthed and raised 12 children(11 whom are living, 2 are still at home), and has 27 grandchildren! Besides being a mother and grandmother extraordinaire, she

also enjoys playing the piano, quilting, hiking, riding horses, and gardening.

Kathy says “Birth has been a passion since a young age. The gift of pregnancy and birth is a blessing and an empowering experience for each woman. My desire is to help every woman I care for achieve the birth of her dreams and remember the experience forever.”