March 2024  Calendar 

English 7 College Prep- March 2024

 Monday (Late Start Schedule)

March 4 


1. Welcome!

2. Reminders:

Pers. 1 & 5 Agenda:

3. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay

4. Student Writing Time

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

3. Continue The Giver 

4. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay


Pers. 1 & 5

1)  Complete/Submit  your Giver Arg. Essay Thesis/TS Planner (if you have not already)

2) In The Giver "Finding Evidence" Planner, copy/paste your two Topic Sentences AND write your four Evidence Sentences (if you have not already).  Do NOT write Explanation outside of class and do NOT submit yet

If you have not already submitted, leave everything alone at this point ... we will resume on Tuesday (3/5)

Pers. 4 & 6:

Tues./Wed. (Block Periods)

March 5/6


1. Welcome!

2. Opener:  March: Self Care

3. Reminders:

Pers. 1 & 5 Agenda:

4. CAASPP ELA Test Prep (Slides 1-11)

5. Introduce Literary Circles Unit

6. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

3. Continue The Giver 

4. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit

Argumentative Essay:

1)  Complete your Giver Arg. Essay Finding Evidence Planner  except for the Explanation (save this for in class) by class time on Thurs. (3/7). However, please do NOT submit yet

2) Complete/Submit  your Giver Arg. Essay Counter Argument/Rebuttal Planner by class time on Thurs. (3/7).  Do NOT write Explanation!

3) Complete/Submit  your Giver Arg. Essay Introduction Planner by class time on Thurs. (3/7)

CAASPP Assessment

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

CAASPP Assessment

Thursday/Friday  (Block Periods)

March 7/8


1. Welcome!

2. Opener: Spring Forward

3. Reminders:

4. CAASPP ELA Test Prep (Slides 12-26)

5. Continue Literary Circles Unit

6. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit

CAASPP Assessment

Argumentative Essay:

1)  Complete your Giver Arg. Essay Finding Evidence Planner except for the Explanation (if you have not already). Do NOT write Explanation outside of class! Please do NOT submit yet

2) Complete your Giver Arg. Essay Counter Argument/Rebuttal Planner except for the Explanation (save this for in class) if you have not already. Do NOT write Explanation outside of class! Please do NOT submit yet

3) Complete/Submit  your Giver Arg. Essay Introduction Planner by class time on Mon. (3/11)

4)  Complete/Submit  your Giver Arg. Essay Conclusion Planner by class time on Mon. (3/11)

Pers. 4 & 6:

CAASPP Assessment

Argumentative Essay:

 Monday (Late Start Schedule)

March 11

(PJ Day)

(Start of Wellness Week!)


1. Welcome!

2. Reminders:

4. CAASPP ELA Test Prep 

Pers. 1 & 5 Agenda:

5. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

 5. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit

CAASPP Assessment

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted this week:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you are behind, use this week to catch up.  If not, take a break from them:

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted this week:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you have not finished Evidence, use this week to catch up.  If not, take a break from them:

CAASPP Assessment

     Tues./Wed. (Block Periods)

March 12/13

Tues. > (Sports Day/Team Merch.)

   Wed. > (Pink Out/Wear Pink)


1. Welcome!

2. Reminders:

3. English 7 CAASPP Testing 


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit

CAASPP Assessment

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted this week:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you have not completed the EVIDENCE, please complete this week.  However, if you are caught up, take a break from them:

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted this week:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you have not finished EVIDENCE, use this week to catch up.  If not, take a break from them:

CAASPP Assessment

Thursday/Friday  (Block Periods)

             March 14/15

Thurs. > (Twin Day)

 Fri. > (Color Wars)


1. Welcome! (Happy St. Patrick's Day!)

2. Reminders: 

3. English 7 CAASPP Testing 


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted this week:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you have not completed the EVIDENCE, please complete this week.  However, if you are caught up, take a break from them:

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted this weekend:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you have not finished EVIDENCE, it needs to be completed this weekend.  If not, take a break from them:

  Monday (Late Start Schedule)

March 18


1. Welcome!

2. Reminders:

Per. 1 Agenda:

3. Begin Literary Circles Unit

Per. 5 Agenda:

3. Complete The Giver Body Par. Reflection

4. Begin reading/annotating Literary Circle book (if extra time)

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

3. Continue Argumentative Essay 


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted by TONIGHT:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you have not completed the EVIDENCE, it needs to be completed by TONIGHT

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted by TUESDAY night:

Please do NOT work on these two planners between today & Wednesday:

   Tues./Wed. (Block Periods)

March 19/20


1. Welcome!

2. Opener:  Pig-out Foods 

3. Reminders:

Pers. 1 & 5Agenda:

4. The Giver Body Par.

5. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay

6. Continue Literary Circles Unit

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

4. Continue Argumentative Essay 


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit

The Giver Body Paragraph:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted ASAP:

These planners are work-in-progress.  If you have not completed the EVIDENCE, it needs to be completed SAP (Do NOT work on Explanation outside of the classroom)

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted by TUESDAY night:

Please do NOT work on these two planners between today & Friday :

Thursday/Friday  (Block Periods)

March 21/22


1. Welcome!

2. Opener:  Healthy Foods/NCAA Tournament 

3. Reminders:

Pers. 1 & 5Agenda:

4. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay

5. Continue Literary Circles Unit

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

4. Continue Argumentative Essay 


Pers. 1 & 5

Argumentative Essay:

Argumentative Essay: No HW unless you have not edited these three planners:

Literary Circles Unit: 

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted.  If not, they need to be submitted by TUESDAY night:

Please do NOT work on these two planners between today & Friday :

 Monday (Late Start Schedule)

March 25


1. Welcome!

2. Reminders:

Pers. 1 & 5Agenda:

3. Continue Literary Circles Unit

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

4. Continue Argumentative Essay 


Pers. 1 & 5

Argumentative Essay:

Argumentative Essay: No HW unless you have not edited these three planners:

Literary Circles Unit: 

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted. Please edit as directed.

Please do NOT work on these two planners between today & Wednesday :

    Tues./Wed.  (Block Periods)

March 26/27


1. Welcome!

2. Opener: Quote of the Day 

3. Reminders:

Pers. 1 & 5Agenda:

3. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay

4. Continue Literary Circles Unit

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

4. Continue Argumentative Essay 


Pers. 1 & 5

Argumentative Essay:

If you are significantly behind, use the next 48 hours to try & catch up!

Argumentative Essay: No HW unless you have not edited these three planners:

Literary Circles Unit: 

Pers. 4 & 6:

Argumentative Essay:

These planners should have already been completed  in full & submitted. Please edit as directed.

Please do NOT work on these two planners between today & Wednesday :

Thursday/Friday  (Block Periods)

March 28/29


1. Welcome!

2. Opener: Winter or Spring Break?

3. Reminders:

Pers. 1 & 5Agenda:

3. Continue The Giver Argumentative Essay

4. Continue Literary Circles Unit

Pers. 4 & 6 Agenda:

4. Continue Argumentative Essay 

5. How to Find Theme?


Pers. 1 & 5

Literary Circles Unit: 

Argumentative Essay:

Use your editing slides & all other resources.  Take your time ... go through your essay several times ... read it aloud ... show it to someone else ... take your time.

Then, once you have done all of this, submit your essay by Sunday (3/31).  The window for submission will open on Friday right after school

Missing Work(?):

Enjoy your Spring Break with your family & friends ... be safe!!

Pers. 4 & 6:

Missing Work(?):

Argumentative Essay:

No homework unless you are still finishing one of these planners:

Enjoy your Spring Break with your family & friends ... be safe!!