Suggested Supplemental Study Tools


This is a site with several videos that have been created for French middle and high school students.  They have several short quizzes and interesting items.  You will have to create an account, but it is free.

BBC Ma France

This site provides great supplementary material and authentic resources which will help students improve their reading and listening comprehension.

Le Point du FLE

FLE= Français comme une Langue Étrangère (French as a Foreign Language) site which organizes many resources. Here, you will certainly find ways to learn, practice, and improve.


Radio France Internationale (similar to NPR) This site offers not only authentic listening resources, but specialized programs for learners of the French language.

Le Monde

French daily  news publication.

Le Figaro

French daily news publication. 

France Info

A French news service. 

France 24

A French news service.

TV 5 Monde

A French news service which also offers many resources for FLE (Français comme une Langue Étrange) learners. 

Canal Académie

A site dedicated to academic topics (university level and beyond).  Many of the listening selections for the AP exam come from this resource. 

Free Rice

This is a vocabulary-building site.  As you play Freerice and answer questions right, advertisements appear on your screen. When you see one of these advertisements, you trigger a financial payment to the World Food Programme (WFP) to support its work saving and changing lives around the world. 


Quia is pronounced key-ah, and is short for Quintessential Instructional Archive. Quia provides a wide variety of tools.


This is a newer tool that is interactive and very dynamic.  The level test alone is really fun! 

La dictée

Often viewed as a tedious exercise, this is one of the very best ways to improve your spelling, your reading/listening comprehension and your pronunciation.