About this Event

San Diego CUE's Annual Professional Development Event for All Educators!

The Powered Learning Fair is our annual educational event that unites professionals in the field to explore, connect, and advance artificial intelligence. Throughout the day, attendees will have the opportunity to attend a keynote presentation, as well as participate in concurrent sessions centered around key Artificial Intelligence topics and others including EdTech, Social-Emotional Learning, Inclusion strategies, Student Engagement, Teacher Efficiency, and Special Education.

This year we'll conduct our Powered Learning Fair on Saturday, October 12, 2024, at the Point Loma Nazarene University (Liberty Conference Center) with a targeted focus on Artificial Intelligence for All Learners #AI4ALL

Parking: Parking on the day of the event is free for all participants:

General Registration = $75

Groups of 10 or more = $60 each

FREE Registration for Speakers

Click Here to register (2024)


Conference Daily Schedule:

4-8 PM Friday Night Sunset Setup - Volunteers and Guests Setup at Liberty Conference Center, Friday 4-8 PM

4 PM Saturday Night After-party Social at Oggi’s Sports Pizza

Sponsorship Opportunities: Coffee, AM Keynote, Lunch, PM Keynote, Afterparty Social (dhinds@sdcue.org

Location: Point Loma Nazarene University - Liberty Conference Center

Powered Learning Fair 2024 Sponsors

San Diego CUE

Sponsors and Friends

We are actively seeking vendors and sponsors to join forces with us for our highly anticipated event. By clicking here, you will uncover the countless ways that you and your esteemed organization can become an integral part of this exhilarating day. Don't miss your chance to showcase your products, services, and expertise to a captive audience of enthusiastic participants. Take action now and secure your spot in this unparalleled San Diego event that promises to elevate your brand to new heights.

Call for Presenters

Attention all SDCUE Members, educators, and enthusiasts! The moment you've been waiting for has arrived, and we were overwhelmed by the incredible response. We are thrilled to have received an abundance of exceptional session proposals for our Powered Learning Fair, scheduled for Saturday, October 12, 2024, at the Liberty Conference Center at Point Loma.

We are looking forward to organizing our sessions that will address the following strands: 

Make sure to register today! 

Apply by Labor Day, Sept 2 at bit.ly/sdcueplf2024 #CUEmmunity