
How does a student qualify for speech-language services within the school setting?

  • The factors which affect qualification in the school setting are defined within a Federal Law called The Individuals with Disabilities and Education Act (IDEA) - 2004. The factors for school-based therapy are different than in a private-clinic setting. Therefore, it is possible to qualify for services outside of school (in a private setting) but not within the school-setting.
  • In order to qualify for school-based speech-language services, a student must:
    • Present with a speech and/or language delay
    • The delay must negatively/adversely impact their academic performance
    • If the delay/deficit DOES have a negative impact on academic performance, are specially designed interventions (e.g., speech/language services) required to help make the student make progress within the general education curriculum.
  • For a more in-depth understanding of the factors which lead to qualification, please read about IDEA-2004 (more specifics regarding qualification for speech-language therapy can be found in link 1, link 2, and link 3) or visit the ASHA page on eligibility.