Tower of Books Challege

Welcome to the Tower of Books Challenge, an independent reading challenge for your child! Here’s how it works:

Your child’s goal is to read all of the books from the categories listed on the next page. Then they will complete a project from the menu to show their understanding of the book. He or she will then check off the box with the corresponding category. After checking off a box, it’s time for him/her to add to… the Tower of Books!

  1. Your child chooses and reads a book that matches a category.

  2. After completing the book, your child will have a choice to complete a small project to let me know that they have read the book. Please see the attached Tower of Books Menu for more information.

  3. Fill in the book information on the “Tower Mat”

  4. Move to a new category, and keep building your Tower!

Consider an incentive for every tenth book your child adds to his/her tower. Here are a few fun ideas:

* Pick the family dinner.

* Mini-date with mom or dad.

* Pick a movie for family movie night.

* Stay up 15 minutes past bedtime.

* Choose a new book from a bookstore.

Your child will get to try some different types of books he/she may not have read before, and all the while have fun keeping track of his/her reading! Happy stacking!

The Categories

These are the categories your child can choose from. Remember these categories are flexible, we just need to talk to make changes to them.

Project Menu

After reading a book, students must select a project from the menu to show that they understood the book.

*Hint* Story Maps are the EASIEST project, and can be done for EVERY book if desired.


TowerofBooks2021 Map.pdf

Click the picture for a printable version of the story map so you can print it at home.