Manufacturing & Product Development

Manufacturing & Product Development


Manufacturing and Product Development pathways emphasize real-world, occupationally relevant experiences of significant scope and depth in manufacturing and graphic communication. To prepare students for the vast range of career opportunities in manufacturing and product development, middle schools, high schools, regional occupational centers and programs, apprenticeship programs, community colleges, and four-year colleges and universities provide educational and training programs.


Industry Sector

Manufacturing & Product Development


Product Innovation and Design Pathway


3-D Design I Metals

3-D Design II Metals

Product Innovation and Design Pathway

The Product Innovation and Design pathway provides students with an understanding of the design and manufacturing technologies common to careers in the fields of product design and manufacturing. Representative topics include the product design and development process, the principles of design, computer-aided design, fabrication and manufacturing processes, sustainability, and the principles of business, entrepreneurship, and global design. Students can also learn computer-aided manufacturing.