
CTE programs prepare students to enter today’s competitive workforce. CTE courses support the California Common Core State Standards and CTE Model Curriculum Standards, preparing students for a successful high school experience, postsecondary options and the world of work.

SCHS CTE classes are structured around Programs of Study that involve a non-duplicative, multi-year sequence of courses that supports and integrates core academic knowledge with industry specific CTE Model Curriculum Standards. These courses can lead to industry recognized certificates, credentials or degrees earned in high school or postsecondary education.

The Office of the State Superintendent of Education, describes a High Quality CTE Programs of Study to include the following attributes:

    • Prepares students for entry-level employment in a specific occupation and is aligned with business/industry standards

    • Consists of a coherent sequence of three or more CTE courses, and includes strong academic and career and technical courses

    • May lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the secondary level

    • Incorporates opportunities to participate in structured learning experiences and career and technical student organizations

    • Incorporates applied, contextual, cross curricular and interdisciplinary instructional strategies into the curricula

    • Leads to an industry-recognized credential, certificate in postsecondary education, apprenticeship and an associate or baccalaureate degree

    • Incorporates and aligns secondary and postsecondary education elements such as curricula, standards and assessments

    • Incorporates opportunities to participate in structured learning experiences, and career and technical student organizations

    • Incorporates applied, contextual, cross curricular and interdisciplinary instructional strategies into the curricula

    • Provides students with opportunities to earn college credit for college courses successfully completed during high school (e.g., dual/concurrent credit or articulated credit)

    • Includes an articulation agreement or memorandum of understanding to ensure that students have a seamless transition from secondary into postsecondary education. Agreements must be signed and dated on a yearly basis by the secondary school superintendent and the college president.