MS / HS Nurse

Veronica Warren RN, BSN

Middle School - Hours 7:45am - 12:30pm                            

712-943-8739 (direct phone line)                 

 712-943-8780 (fax)                       

High School - Hours 12:30pm - 3:45pm

712-943-8719 (direct phone line)

712-943-5887 (fax)



The link below will take you to the Iowa Department of Education page where you can read the following student health requirements in more detail.,acellular%20pertussis%20(Tdap)%20vaccine.

7th Grade Requirements


All students entering 7th grade are required to have the Tdap vaccine & Meningococcal vaccine.

9th Grade Requirements

Dental Screen

All students entering 9th grade are required to have a Certificate of Dental Health.

12th Grade Requirements


Students entering 12th grade born on or after September 15, 2001 shall have 2 doses of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (A,C,W,Y)

7th - 12th ATHLETICS

Physical Exam

Every year each student grades 7-12 playing a sport shall present to the school a certificate signed by a licensed physician, chiropractor, ARNP, or PA to the effect that the student has been examined and may safely engage in athletic competition.  This certificate of physical examination is valid for one (1) calendar year. 


Concussions have become an inevitable part of sports today. The CDC has put together a program entitled Heads Up: Concussion in Sports that contains information for both parents and coaches. 


If your child will take a medication at school, has an allergy that requires an Epi-pen, inhaler or nebulizer for asthma, or a seizure diagnosis please complete the proper form below & turned in before the 1st day of school.