WING time stands for "What I Need Group" at Hollis Upper.

WING time happens 3 or 4 days a week for each grade level and this 45 minute period is used in a variety of ways by our staff.

WING time will see some students engaged in re-teaching....math, reading, or writing. If students need more help to gain deeper understandings of concepts....they go to programs such as power writing or power math.

WING time will see some students engaged in homework completion with teacher support.

WING time will see some students engaged in literature groups in the library.

WING time will see some students engaged in social skills training.

WING time is a great time for us to enrich, reteach, and deepen learning for students in the areas they need. We are excited to be able to focus on helping all our students achieve and grow in all the areas that they need!