Syllabus Math 2

Math 2 Course Description:

Math 2 is the second of the sequence of three courses. In Math 2 the emphasis on exploring geometric properties with equations and terminology and structure of Geometry including Transformations, reasoning, proof, congruent triangles and similarity. Specifically students will be asked to prove theorems about lines, angles, triangles and quadrilaterals. In addition students will explore polynomials and factoring, probability

Students will be allowed to progress through standards as proficiency is shown on each concept.


Instruction will be personalized for each student.


Integrated Math 1 Common Core by Prentice Hall

Math XL by Pearson

Khan Academy

Algebra with Pizazz by Steve and Janis Marcy

Websites/Other Resources:

Student Expectations:

Below is a list of expectations that I have of you. I think you should know what they are so that when I look disappointed you will know why.

  • Come prepared to learn. Keep an open mind, and have fun (but not at the expense of someone’s feelings or their education)
  • Come to class with the proper equipment: Positive attitude, 3 ring -binder, Pearson Math 1 Workbook, Chromebook and your calculator.
  • Something to write with (pen or pencil, which ever you prefer. I would prefer pencil.
  • TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator (they are available to borrow from the library for the semester)
  • Let me know if you do not understand something. I cannot read your mind. If something does not make sense, you need to let me know.
  • It is expected that you do your homework on MathXl every night. If you have internet difficulty, then you will be allowed an extra night to make up the assignment. You are expected to show all work in your reference books. At times you may need to submit your work on Math XL.
  • If you do not understand a question on the homework assignment, please view the tutorials provided on MathXL. If you still do not understand the problem, then please select "Ask the Instructor". We will go over any of these problems at the start of class.
  • For homework, you are expected to get 100%. You have multiple resources to help you. You may correct problems while we go over them in class.
  • Fill out the google form if their is an error in your grade or if you completed a late homework assignment. (The form is a link on the left side of this site. It is called Form-Update Grades.)
  • If you are absent due to illness, personal reasons, a field trip, sports dismissal, or other school event, you can expect that I will be teaching new material to those who attend and that you are missing something important. When you return, you should arrange time to meet with your classmates to get caught up. If, after meeting with your classmate you still do not understand something you missed, then please feel free to schedule a time to meet with me. But please do not meet with me before you have met with classmates.
  • If you miss a test or a quiz, you should make arrangements to make it up after school or during lunch.
  • If you fail a test, quiz or test than you should come in after school to get help to go over the quiz.
  • You may retake a quiz as many times as you would like (in class or after school).
  • Please put the date on all of your written assignments. This will help you to match up assignments with grades online.
  • We are very fortunate to have a lot of technology in our classroom. I ask that you use the technology for class activities only. Check with me before taking pictures or exploring apps not related to this class.

Teacher Expectations:

Below is a list of expectations that I feel you should have of me. I will try my best to meet each and every one of these expectations. If you have other expectations of me please let me know, we will add them to the list.

  • I will come prepared with a lesson to teach each day. This means that, prior to the lesson; I will have given the topic some thought and chosen a way to present it to you so that you get the largest educational benefit from the lesson.
  • I will try, whenever possible, to vary the activities of the class. I will try to find appropriate and educational actives to help you understand the concepts.
  • I love to learn. I am always trying to expand my knowledge of mathematics and technology. I look forward to fun a semester of using the wonderful technology we have in our classroom. I have only begun to tap into all that it can do. Feel free to make suggestions at any time!
  • I will be available for extra help if you need it.
  • Work that is turned in late may not be returned as quickly as work turned in time. I arrange my schedule to return work as soon as possible; however late work usually requires a weekend for me to catch up.
  • Your grades will be posted on a regular basis. If work is handed in on time then it will be returned and recorded online as soon as possible (usually 1-3 days). However, if work is turned in late then this will take longer to grade and you should not expect it to be updated as quickly as if it were turned in on time.
  • If you are not doing well in the course, I will let you and your parents know. If you are failing the course, then I will arrange for you to come in after school for extra help.


¨ You will be provided a Math 1 workbook. Be sure to bring it to every class. You will take all notes in this book.

- You will need one notebook for your homework. I recommend a graph paper composition notebook. We may be grading your work in this notebook. Bring it home every day and to class with you. Show all of your work to your homework in this book.

- I suggest that you have a 3 ring binder to keep track of your papers. I suggest the following dividers.

Section 1 - Passwords and Usernames to accounts

Section 2 – Handouts (not collected for points)

Section 3 - Class Work (collected and graded)

Section 4 - Projects

Section 5 - Homework (work to go with your MathXL homework)

Extra Credit:

From time to time there may be an opportunity for Extra Credit offered throughout the semester. Here are a few ways you can improve your grade:

(1) Retake a test. I will take the highest grade.

(2) Retake a quiz. You can retake it as many times as you would like. I will take the highest grade.

Note: You must take advantage of them as the quarter progresses. There will not be extra credit opportunities at the end of the quarter to change the grade earned throughout the quarter.

Extra Help:

  • For best results, please make an appointment so I can better schedule my time.
  • I am available after school and at lunch for extra help.
  • If you are really having trouble with a homework assignment, we will take the time to look at in class. If you are still having difficulty, then I recommend you make an appointment for extra help.
  • You can always e-mail me with homework questions: . I check my e-mail in the evening and will be happy to reply to your e-mail.