
Overall Philosophy:

This grading policy is designed for the student who works hard and wants to learn from his or her mistakes. Students can view their grade and track progress on MMS.

Scoring System:

The student's grades will be composed of Formative and Summative Assessments.

A formative assessment is an assessment for learning and can be broadly described as a “snapshot” measure that captures a student’s progress through the learning process. A formative assessment explains to what extent a student is learning a concept, skill, or knowledge set. In a sense, a formative assessment is “practice” and is, therefore, not heavily weighted in the grading system. Examples of formative assignments include homework, quizzes, online learning exercises, and worksheets.

A summative assessment is a comprehensive measure of a student’s ability to demonstrate the concepts, skills, and knowledge embedded within a course competency. A summative assessment is an assessment of learning and it is heavily weighted in our grading system. Examples of summative assignments include research projects, presentations, labs, writings, tests, activities on Desmos and performance tasks.


Formative Assessments

Summative Assessments




Specific Point Values:

1. Homework and Math XL Assignments

  • Please come to class and ask questions on problems that are not correct. You may fix these questions and improve your grade to 100%.
  • Grades for Math XL will be entered on a daily basis. Please complete the "Form-Update Grade" if you complete an assignment.

2. Khan Academy

  • Students will be assigned exercises on Khan Academy.
  • Students can continue working on a skill until they qualify as "practiced". This will be different for each student.
  • I will always give full credit for these exercises regardless of how late they are turned in (must be done by the end of the quarter).

3. Class Work & Classroom Challenge

  • The value for assignments done during class will vary. The points will be announced with the details regarding the assignment.
  • All Class work must be turned in prior to taking a quiz, quest, or test on the topic.

4. Tests

  • Test retakes will be allowed.
  • Students will not be able to move to new concepts until a grade of 80 or higher is achieved.
  • Students with a grade of 80 or higher may retake the test but will need to retake it outside of class time (lunch or after school).

5. Quizzes (50 points)

  • All quizzes will be announced ahead of time.
  • Quizzes can be retaken as many times as the student would like. The highest grade will count.
  • All quizzes must be taken during class.

7. Performance Tasks

  • The Pull It All Together is a performance-based task that requires you to draw on your understanding of important math concepts and their reasoning and problem-solving skills to complete the rich, multi-part task.
  • Tasks should be completed prior to taking the unit test.
  • Tasks need to be turned individually but you may work in groups and discuss the problem with me and classmates.
  • Click here to view the Rubric for Formative Assessment

8. Projects

  • Small projects will be assigned during each quarter. The requirements and point values will be announced when the project is assigned.

9. Desmos

  • Desmos will provide an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge.
  • Click here to learn more about Desmos.
  • Students may be assigned Bundles or activities on Desmos to showcase their learning.

Final Average

  • At the end of Math 1, student's grade earned for all material will count as 80% of the final average. The midterm and final exam grades will count for 20%.
  • Math 1 will use the Maps test as the midterm exam and take a final exam. Math 2 and 3 will have a traditional final exam at the end of the semester.