Grading Policy

Encore Grades consist of 3, 2, 1 and x.  

According to the Report Card: 3 = Very Good 2 = Good/Satisfactory 1 = Needs Improvement X = Unsatisfactory

2 is the average grade for work, meaning that the student does what he or she should do in the way he or she should do it, with minimal errors. A 3 is not the average, but is considered above and beyond what is expected in the class.

K, 1st and 2nd graders receive one grade in Encore Classes.  In Library class, listening skills, participation and behavior are evaluated.  The standard grade is a "2" while a "3" is given for consistently excellent behavior and a "1" is given for consistently poor behavior. Kindergarten students receive an M, a P, or an NI.

Beginning in 3rd grade and through the 5th grade, part of the library grade is for responsibility for returning books on time.  Each week the student is graded with a "3" if his/her book(s) is returned and a "1" if not. The second part of their grades are the classwork grade.  Most student work is done collaboratively with their tablemates or as a group.    Together, these create the final grade. In addition, there is a separate Citizenship/Effort grade for participation and behavior given at the end of each trimester on the report card.

In middle school, books are not considered overdue until the end of the trimester and are not part of the library grade.  There are many multi-day activities which are reflected in the grading and, again, there is a separate Citizenship/Effort grade. In middle school, a 2 is the average grade, with a 3 meaning "exceeded expectations" and a 1 meaning "needs improvement."  I use Schoology for assignments. 

The library follows the late homework policies for middle school which are found in the student handbook. Students who have incomplete projects or assignments in middle school may receive an Incomplete grade on their report cards until the projects are turned into the teacher.

The Diocesan Curriculum for Library is followed.