Family Connections

Strengthening Families Partnership Meets Wed in SMS library starting on March 28th at 5pm

See Flyer for more information. Files


1. Make Way for Books: promotes early literacy in limited resource areas of Tucson and southern Arizona by providing young children an opportunity to fall in love with books and reading. Call 520-721-2334 or visit: 

2. Pima County Library Bookmobile: provides monthly library service to citizens of all ages who live in outlying areas of Pima County. The bookmobile carries over 2,500 materials/books and loans approximately 17,000 items annually. For more information call 520-594-5416 or visit:

3. Literacy Connects is comprised of the Literacy For Life Coalition as well as four effective programs with longstanding relationships in the communities of Tucson and Southern Arizona. The organization is designed to honor, respect and preserve the successful programs while offering an integrated approach to create a continuum of learning from birth through adulthood. Visit or call 520-882-8006. 

4. Pima County Public Library enriches lives and builds community through opportunities to learn, know, interact, and grow. Locations and Hours: call 520-791-4010 or visit: 

5. Pima County Public Library Birth to Five blog: 

6. Reach Out and Read, Southern Arizona: prepares America’s youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with doctors to prescribe books