IBHistory Year 2 Optional Summer Reading List

Russia - Soviet Union

Fleming, Candice. The Family Romanov: murder, rebellion and the fall of

Imperial Russia

Conquest, Robert. Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet collectivization and the terror


Rappaport, Helen. Caught in the Revolution: Petrograd, Russia, 1917- a

World on the edge

Mieville, China. October: the story of the Russian Revolution

Overy, Richard. Russia’s War: a history of the Soviet War effort 1941-1945

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny. Fatal Half Measures: the culture of democracy in the

Soviet Union

Walker, Martin. Waking Giant: Gorbachev’s Russia

Massie, Robert. The Romanovs: the final chapter

Tumarkin, Nina: Lenin Lives: the Lenin cult in Soviet Russia

Beevor, Antony. Stalingrad: the fateful siege 1942-1943

World War I

Clark, Christopher. The Sleepwalkers: how Europe went to war in 1914

Thomas, Louisa. Conscience: two soldiers, two pacifists, one family - a

Test of will and faith in WWI

Cobbs, Elizabeth. The Hello Girls: America’s first women soldiers

Civil War

Preston, Paul. The Spanish Civil War: reaction, revolution, & revenge

Dunlop, Nic. The Lost Executioner: a journey to the heart of the Killing Fields

Beah, Ishmael. A Long Way Gone: memoirs of a boy soldier.

Hochschild, Adam. Spain in our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil


Aronson, Marc and Marina Budhos. Eyes of the World: Robert Capa, Gerda

Taro, and the invention of modern photojournalism

Rhodes, Richard. Hell and Good Company: the Spanish Civil War and the

World it made

Fisher, Harry. Comrades: tales of a brigadista in the Spanish Civil War

Beevor, Antony. The Battle for Spain: the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Vulliamy, Ed. Seasons in Hell: understanding Bosnia’s war

Deac, Wilfred. Road to the Killing Fields: the Cambodian War of 1970-1975


Platt, Stephen. Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the west and the epic story

Of the Taiping Civil War

Chang, Jung. Empress Dowager CIXI: the concubine who launched modern China

Kurtz-Phelan, Daniel. The China Mission: George Marshall’s unfinished war 1945-1947

Spence, Jonathan. The Gate of Heavenly Peace: the Chinese and their revolution

Cheng, Nien. Life and Death in Shanghai

Lin, Jennifer. Shanghai Faithful: Betrayal and Forgiveness in a Chinese Christian


Mitter, Rana. Forgotten Ally: China’s World War II 1937-1954

Bouc, Alain. Mao Tse-Tung: a guide to his thought

Eastman, Lloyd. Seeds of Destruction: nationalist China in war & revolution



Partridge, Elizabeth. Boots on the Ground: America’s war in Vietnam

Sweet, Matthew. Operation Chaos: the Vietnam deserters who fought


Nguyen, Viet Than. Nothing Ever Dies: Vietnam and the memory of war

Wells, Tom. The Battle Within: America’s battle over Vietnam

World War II

Overy, Richard. Why the Allies Won

Buruma, Ian: The Wages of Guilt: memories of war in Germany & Japan

Overy, Richard. The Bombers & the Bombed: Allied air war over Europe 1940-1945

Harris, Mark. Five Came Back: a story of Hollywood and the second World


Freeman, Sally M. The Jersey Brothers

Mulley, Clare. The Women who Flew for Hitler: a true story of soaring

Ambition and searing rivalry

Burma, Ian. Year Zero: a History of 1945

Saraiva, Tiago. Fascist Pigs: technoscientific organisms and the history

Of fascism

Kaiser, Charles. The Cost of Courage

Wyden, Peter. Day One: before Hiroshima and after

Marrin, Albert. The Secret Armies: spies, counter spies, and saboteurs in


Schneer, Jonathan. Ministers at War: Winston Churchill & his war cabinet

Olson, Lynne. Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, & America’s fight over WW II

Olason, Lynne. Last Hope Island: Britain, occupied Europe, and the brotherhood that

Helped turn the tide of war

Dimbleby, Jonathan. The Battle of the Atlantic: how the allies won the war

Roberts, Andrew. The Storm of War: a new history of the second world war

Cold War

Grandin, Greg & Gilbert Joseph, eds. A Century of Revolution: insurgent & counter-

Insurgent violence during Latin America’s long Cold War

Walsh, Daniel. An Air War With Cuba: the United States radio campaign against Castro

Mikoyan, Sergo. The Soviet Cuban Missile Crisis: Castro, Mikoyan, Kennedy,

& the missiles of November

Gelb, Norman. The Berlin Wall: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and a showdown in the

Heart of Europe (out of print but used copies on Amazon)

Doherty, Thomas. Cold War Cool Medium: television, McCarthyism, and

American Culture

Dudziak, Mary. Cold War, Civil Rights. Race and the image of American


Kennedy, Robert. Thirteen Days: a memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Rice, Gerard. The Bold Experiment: Jfk's Peace Corps

Budiansky, Stephen. Code Warriors: NSA’s codebreakers and the secret

Intelligence war against the Soviet Union

Cha, Victor. Powerplay: the origins of the American alliance system

Reed, W. Craig. Red November: inside the secret U.S.-Soviet submarine


Moran, Barbara. The Day we Lost the H-Bomb

Hoffman, David. The Dead Hand: the untold story of the Cold War arms

Race and its dangerous legacy

Fursenko, Aleksandr and Timothy Naftali. One Hell of a Gamble: the secret history

Of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Biographies / Memoirs

Sebestyen, Victor. Lenin: the man. The dictator, & the master of terror

Kotkin, Stephen. Stalin: waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941

Payne, Stanley. Franco and Hitler: Spain, Germany, and WW II

Herman, Arthur. Joseph McCarthy: reexamining the life & legacy of America’s

Most hated senator

Nordholt, Jan W. Woodrow Wilson: a life for world peace

Nash, George. The Life of Herbert Hoover: the humanitarian 1914-1917

Ricks, Thomas. Churchill & Orwell: the fight for freedom

Ellsberg, Daniel. The Doomsday Machine: confessions of a nuclear war


Ullrich, Volker. Hitler: Ascent 1889-1939

Maathai, Wangari. Unbowed: a memoir (Kenya)

Talty, Stephan. Escape from the land of the Snows: the young Dalai Lama’s

Harrowing flight to freedom & the making of a spiritual hero

Lagnado, Lucette, The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit: my family’s exodus

From old Cairo to the New World

Ambinder, Marc. The Brink: President Reagan and the Nuclear War Scare

of 1983

Farrell, John. Richard Nixon.

Smith, Gene. Until the Last Trumpet Sounds: the life of General of the Armies

John J Pershing

Clary, David. Rocket Man: Robert H. Goddard & the birth of the Space Age

Ishikawa, Masaji. A River in Darkness: one man’s escape from North Korea

Weber, Thomas. Becoming Hitler: the making of a Nazi

Ricks, Thomas. Churchill & Orwell: the fight for freedom

Anderson, M.T. Symphony for the City of the Dead: Dmitri Shostaovich and

The siege of Leningrad

Goldsmith, Martin. The Inextinguishable Symphony: a true story of love in

Nazi Germany

Duffy, Michael. From Chicago to Vietnam: a memoir of war

Cliff, Nigel. Moscow Nights: the Van Cliburn story- how one man and his

Piano transformed the Cold War

Hillenbrand, Laura. Unbroken: an olympian’s journey from airman to

Castaway to captive

Manchester, William. Goodbye Darkness: a memoir of the Pacific war

Orwell, George. Homage to Catalonia

Stout, Nancy. One Day in December: Celia Sanchez and the Cuban


Thompson, Nicholas. The Hawk and the Dove: Paul Nitze, George Kennan, and

The history of the Cold War

Fuentes, Norberto. The Autobiography of Fidel Castro

Taubman, William. Gorbachev: his life and times

Fuentes, Norberto. Hemingway in Cuba

Eichinger, Eric. The Final Race: the incredible WW II story of the Olympian who

inspired Chariots of Fire


Gold, Dore. Tower of Babble: how the United Nations has fueled global


Karpin, Michael. The Bomb in the Basement: how Israel went nuclear and

What that means for the world

Rydell, Anders. The Book Thieves: the Nazi looting of Europe’s libraries

And the race to return a literary inheritance

Socolow, Michael. Six Minutes in Berlin: broadcast spectacle and rowing

Gold at the Nazi olympics

Trumpi, Fritz. The Political Orchestra: the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonics during the

Third Reich

Meyer, Michael. The Year that Changed the World: the untold story behind the fall

Of the Berlin Wall

Reeves, Richard. Infamy: the shocking story of the Japanese American Internment

In World War II

Bascomb, Neal. The Winter Fortress: the epic mission to sabotage Hitler’s atomic


Carpenter, John. Wall, Watchtower, and Pencil Stub: writing during World War II

Sides, Hampton. Ghost Soldiers: the forgotten epic story of WWII’s most dramatic


Larson, Eric. In the Garden of the Beasts: love, terror, and an American family in

Hitler’s Berlin

Manning, Molly. When Books Went to War: the stories that helped us win WW II

McElvaine, Robert. The Great Depression: America 1929-1941

Stargardt, Nicholas. Witnesses of War: children’s lives under the Nazis

Grose, Peter. A Good Place to Hide: how one French community saved thousands

Of lives during WW II

Martin, Benjamin. The Nazi-Fascist New Order for European Culture

Rose, Sarah. For all the Tea in China: how England stole the world’s favorite

Drink and changed world history